Masculine Energy Audio

Testosterone is what produces that pheromone so if you don’t produce it you lack testosterone, listen to that field


That masculine energy is true to its name tho, all the needed masculine hormones are spiked lol


I never had the chance to listen to it but i belive you

You can listen to testosterone dht and androstenol and u will have the same effects lol. Just be careful and dont overlisten. Playing with hormones has its sides


Hey tagler my friend, how you doing? You bring up a nice topic I’d like to further expand on if you don’t mind.

I am curious as some people have different views on masculinity. How would you define masculine energy? What makes a man, a MAN?

You also mention that we men have grown more feminine over the years. And that we have lost our masculinity. What makes you think that?

Personally, I’d define masculinity with strength, will and fortitude. Something that is individually defined despite social norms. Even when men were supposedly more masculine, only few of the pack would exert these traits in depth. And they would turn out to be the leaders while the other males would just follow.

But were all men more masculine in the past or was it that men dominated society? Men made the rules and could bend to them to the extent women didn’t have much say. In fact, women were practically considered property for ages.

There wasn’t a balance of masculine and femine energy. Masculine dominated humanity was a main part of what caused the countless wars and massacres of our past. We enslaved people and especially women. It was all about domination.

One of the main reasons men were more ‘masculine’ in the past was cause only they had a say. Especially since men exerted their strength over women and also were the providers. No matter how weak the man, he would appear to always be in control around women (in same social class). The rules were in man’s favor.

Now that women can provide for themselves and have a say in much of the world, the scales of balance have been tipped. It was easier to feel more masculine in the past when just being a man would mean you provided for a woman and gave the orders. But now, respect and control have to be more earned.

It’s not so much just that you’re a man anymore… but more of how you are as a man. Women being able provide for themselves means they have more choice so they generally choose the more confident and able men.

And society… really is changing. This is the first time in ages since women have any say and it really has changed the dynamic of things. It really has made many men start getting more in touch with their feminine side. Men are doing and saying things that would get them bullied or beat down only 20 years ago (some still do but its changing).

And political correctness is a result of feminine energy entering into the state of affairs. People now are becoming more careful with what they say to one another and ‘trying’ to maintain equal respect.

I say ‘trying’ cause while well intentioned, political correctness usually ends up aggravating issues and even becoming hypocritical in some cases. I guess these are the kinds of things you mean when you say men are becoming more feminine.

But… I do think it’s a result of a much needed balancing act to the masculine/feminine dynamic going on for thousands of years. I dislike people approaching things in extremes but extremes interacting with one another are usually the result of a balancing act. From a bigger picture perspective, I see what’s happening as a good thing for humanity.

Because, true balance… True spiritual prosperity, is a balance of the feminine and masculine.


Balance is also what we hope for people to achieve through our audios/fields. I think our Ojas audio is a better choice as it balances your sexual energy and exerts it strongly as the same time.

In a way, these hormonal audios (androstenol) are sending ‘alpha signals’ around and pretty much sexual information to females to get with this alpha.

But are you really an alpha (speaking generally, not you specifically lol)? Or are you just wearing a shoe that doesn’t fit? Forgive the crudeness, but using androstenol to get women is like wearing an 8 inch prosthetic penis and flaunting around like its yours.

You want to be an alpha, become one instead of wearing one’s costume. Become strong. Fortify your spirit so you can take on anything. Do anything. Be anything.

I understand the desire to listen to audios like these to get women. To feel more manly and to get more respect. It’s in our nature to desire this.

I just think it’s a prehistoric desire we should try to evolve from. Because it’s the kind of primal desires that easily control us and keep us in the lower vibratory realms of mind. So that is why I suggest otherwise my friend. I want to you all to become stronger and more attractive. But the healthier and more balanced way. And one that remains permanent within you instead of one you have to depend on.

Of course, people have a choice and can do what they want with their bodies. Androstenol is still available on our patreon if you want it.

The reason we took it down was because Androstenol was bringing too much of a crowd that wanted to dominate women. We don’t want to be assosciated with that (as I’ve elaborated in another thread) so we deleted the audio from youtube.

Masculine energy was a part of Sapien trust, our youtube subscription service. When youtube demonetized us, it took down sapien trust. And the masculine energy audio was a part of it so it got taken down. It wasn’t in patreon or anywhere else.


Sammy dropping nuclear bombs :bomb:

YESSSSSSSS (sad this didn’t load)


Heya @SammyG what’s up? So I have been processing and contemplating your post for a day now. I’ve realised something and thanks for opening my eyes to it. I think the androstenol field is like a cherry on the cake. What most guys on the comments section of its YouTube video were doing was make it their whole cake. You need some good foundation to use androstenol with only then it will make you an actual alpha. Otherwise you may attract girls but soon they’ll realise that you just have a fake alpha male vibe and the actual guy behind the costume is pure beta. So I’m gonna stop focusing on androstenol too much. Yeah it’s a great tool to have as a guy but I’m gonna focus more on improving my self and setting my foundation right and strong.


Now that’s the right attitude! Build a strong foundation… and put the icing on the cake with a field like that (or cherry on the cake since that’s what you prefer :yum: ). We have plenty of tools to help you build that foundation too. Make it happen my brother :slightly_smiling_face:


And what would be the suggested list of audios for a true and solid masculine energy?

feel whole
more love. (I dare you to fill yourself with love :))
knight mindset
abundance mindset
vibration of creation
all-purpose anxiety removal
do things with a purpose (all things)

these are general and works for everyone… not just “solid masculine energy”


What do you want ?

There is the mindset and feeling of being manly and then there’s the « manliness/ dominance » that really shows beyond 1 on 1.

You need the mindset and attitude to be manly. You don’t need a field (though it’s a bonus).

If you want to be the « alpha », it’s about status. Get some money and power, then. You’ll be dominant in most situations. In others you might very well not be.

Put some badass alpha who knows nothing about cooking in a cooking contest… how alpha is he gonna look ?

It’s an investment though, is it gonna make you happy ?

Alpha is earned. No one is born the boss and if they respected and admire your alpha dad, you’ll still have to level up and take the throne. That’s why tribal leaders and Leaders work so hard to make their sons alpha. Otherwise they won’t replace their dads.

What are your accomplishments ? Why should people bow to you (not everybody will either way)

You fought a wolf with bare hands ? You lead the republic’s army to the conquest of foreign lands ? Your gang rules half the country ? You’ve had a meteoric rise in business ?

Unchecked masculine extreme without accomplishment… that’s the thugs in the streets, little criminals, the guys who harass people in the streets.


Lol, there’s nothing like true & solid masculine energy. At its real nature, masculine energy is exactly what sapien medicine released back then…

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Yeah, that’s not really a thing. As I’ve mentioned before, you can wear this masculine energy but that wouldn’t make you act more masculine. If another alpha checks you, will you be able to stand your ground? If a beautiful woman gives you eye contact, will you stare at her back and subtly let her know that you’ll do things to her that no other man could do in bed? You can’t fake this.

That’s why building a foundation is essential to not only exert that masculine energy but to live it. Strong masculinity has a foundation of confidence. Do you love yourself? Like @Zen said, work on love, love, loving yourself. We have self love, unconditional love, confidence. Listen to these audios and consciously feel love for yourself and every part of being. Accept and embrace all your flaws. Learn to accept and embrace failure. And begin to understand you have unlimited potential and can do anything. You got to believe it. That you are capable of anything.

Because a big part of masculinity is willpower. The will to make things happen. Like @DR_MANHATTAN said, many alphas tend to be people who earn status. Earned through hard work and resilience. Because you will fail… but your will and confidence is so strong that you keep pushing anyways, knowing you will succeed soon enough. Even if you don’t earn status, just that willpower alone is that core masculine energy you seek. How can you harness such willpower?

Well… listening to willpower 5 times in a row in the morning can help get this kind of energy streaming in your being but… if you can’t handle the strain of getting the things you want, then that will diminish the willpower right away. How do you fix this? Exercise.

Exercise is essential because it is the strengthening of the will… body and mind. You will feel strain/resistance for getting the things you want and failing. It tends to break the will. And there’s no better way to strengthen by handling the strain of life through exercise. The ability to push through all the resistance in your body to strengthen yourself, is tapping into the essence of will itself. And gaining physical strength raises confidence and masculinity naturally. We have a ton of audios to help you make gains in exercise and have the energy to do it. But none can force you to do it. You doing it consistently is the true test of your willpower.

Strength. Will. Fortitude. Foundations to build upon for you to be the man you want to be. Then, when you play audios like androstenol, you won’t be wearing a shoe that doesn’t fit… but amplifying your beingness as not only would you appear as an alpha but behave as one too.

I would also highly recommend listening to Ojas consistently as it will balance and strengthen your sexual energy. Many men have unbalanced sexual energy that destabilizes their will and confidence… and also projects as undesirable to women.

This is just advice to build that core, masculine energy. If women read this, technically building foundations of strength, will and fortitude would be very healthy for you as well. It’s not all about being an alpha and whatnot. We men and women, both are of masculine and feminine energy. Men can become more complete beings if they also build foundations of love, empathy/compassion and emotional balance. So it goes both ways :smiley:


It’s more like having a masculine attitude than having looks. Almost all boys can have a beard but all can’t be a man…it’s more about being responsible. And there’s no audio on the planet that will make you a real dude unless you work on yourself. It’s just not possible. Take this for example…


A lot of great points, yes to all your questions. All I’m saying is that… a guy without optimum amount of what masculine energy audio contains is not necessarily masculine… the hormones and pheromone are essential foundation. I’ve experienced some major shit using masculine energy and androstenol without necessarily abusing them. I couldn’t experience one so called “alpha” not seeming intimidated, the best they would do is show off how alpha they are around me or buddy buddy me. The chicks can’t help it… it’s a good feeling to experience this socially but the real gold here is how I feel internally which boosts other area of my life, operating from foundational masculinity based on hormones and pheromone in the first place… that’s why I think masculine energy is underrated (it already contains androstenol btw based on what I heard on this forum, not sure… can u confirm this?)

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I think above masculinity, alpha, and all that stuff. The real key is educating one’s self on any mind bugging stuff your insecure or curious about. Not to brag. I’ve gathered so much knowledge based on whatever i lack awareness on and I’m still learning. This process of educating yourself is very very crucial imo… it’s gives a better level of self & social awareness


Well technically speaking you don’t need anything else other than testosterone since all other hormone is converted from testosterone. Androstenol is almost useless if testosterone is low. People just have too low testosterone these days. So you can just focous on that and make sure to balance estrogen level. And there is already unconditional androstenol audio. Also current testosterone audio is at least 5 times stronger than old masculine energy audio since it was old anyway. If testosterone level is high then body will automatically convert it into other necessary hormone at its own pace.


You always surprise me with your wiseness sammy, love reading your posts man! :100:


Trust me guys women don’t want a gym rat either.