Mass Meditation Testimonials

Stay safe, my friend. On a related note, thunders, hurricanes, earthquakes are events that release massive amounts of energy! Watch out for some energetic changes! We always practice in thunder and lightning (which our Daoist sect is associated with) and one session charges me for like a few months! I’ve heard of similar practices in other earth-based Daoist sects which harness similar energy from earthquakes and floods (which also calm nature down) for cultivating decades of energetic refinement in a matter of minutes.

The first time I felt the crown chakra open was during a thunder and lightening storm, and I felt the energy coming down from the crown (usually, I had always felt the energy moving up from the spine till then). In fact, there is a chapter even in a Tantric work from around 975 CE which talks of a Tantric practice during the earthquake. When I asked my teacher, “how on earth is one expected to still the mind, and recite a mantra during an earthquake?”, all I got was “silly fellow” and a pat on my head! Lol

On a lighter note, two years ago, there was a slightly big earthquake in Cali. Everyone rushed out of their apartments while the building shook for a little bit. As we stood on the street, everyone was staring at me and smiling! And then I looked around, everyone was holding on to their children, husband, wife, and loved ones. Me, on the other hand, stood there with my laptop, iPad, phone, a charging cable while my GF was glaring at me :rofl: “priorities”