Massive shift in energy on the forum these past few months

Everything changes as time goes by. Many things have come and gone over the years.

I do what I can to keep track of the best of what has been. Copies of websites and screenshots of things.

A lot of neat things were in existence from the 2000’s to 2015, and many can only be found on the Wayback Machine now. Lots has disappeared for good ever since social media became popular and a bunch of schlockmeisterism and crapola became the norm. Good things can still be found, but the entire internet has changed and a lot of noise and sub-par productions have taken over.

In many ways, it seems like the total transformed social millieu of this era has made it so that few things of great depth or high quality exist any more.

So, for me, I’ve attempted to preserve what’s best. I gathered pdf copies of Dale Power’s old websites and the essays there, combined it with notes from the enlightenedstates website and this forum and put it in a book that I printed out for myself and reference while training.

There are some things I hadn’t explored much, like ETs and ancient aliens. But, since they’re a portion of the culture here, I’ve picked up a book or so about them. I’ve looked more into Chaos Magick, and even a copy of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea sits on my shelf at this time— GIving me a greater appreciation of where we are at the bottom of this endless Astral Ocean.

Lots of nice lessons learned. Lots of many things to still explore.

We’ll see how it develops, but (even if you’re right and it dies) we can still keep the best things alive.


I feel a little sad that I missed out on the good ol’ days you’re reminiscing about, but hope a resurgence of the forum’s experience is to come after a little restful slumber. When I first arrived I noticed I was chatty mccathy (and normally am not except in specific situations), and felt I had to slow my roll to let people answer, which took some time. I’ve since realized since the forum operates on different time zones, that affects responses as well. There are seasons in all things, may the forum keep kickin’ and experiencing vibrant life :fire:


People have different reasons for interacting with the forum. For people to leave and continue using fields and continue on their path is a good thing. What appears to be the most robust era in forum communication was also the discovery phase - before NFTs. When NFTs happened people started disappearing into groups to design their desired fields. That was the beginning of focus groups, which are now the guilds. Yet, look around. There are still more fields than I guarantee anyone here has used. So much knowledge, so much interaction that can be read like a novel or popcorned through with various critiques and discussions over which field is the best for what. This is still an endless of pasture where growth can be attained. Eventually we give up our desires for thrills and chills and realize that many realms exist here that can sustain our goals for learning, experimenting and maturing. Eventually we must put that new person to the test. There is still the Antaḥkaraṇa and the Energetic Web that we experienced here as the Jewelled Net of Indra. We are still one and the energetic we seek is within.


Yep, all these + certain selection and development.

Problematic people were banned, scammers no longer had it easy, so the overall vibe changed.

Plus many people grew a lot through fields and spiritual practise.


I am very pleased with the collective atmosphere of the forum. Cheers


This year everytime I came here I couldn’t stop reflecting at how much people here have grown. Back in the ol’ days feeling the glares and getting your energy siphoned after making a post was very common and many good people left for that reason.

In the last ~2 years gears started shifting and people have either overcome their issues while others fell out of resonance with forum, and the community became what it is today.

I am glad and I am happy to have observed everyone’s growth. Even if we are looking at end days it couldn’t be a better closure. And I am sure many will get to meet again just like there were people re-uniting since Xtreme mind days.

To even more amazing times ahead :partying_face:


Eek. I have felt that at times among a couple other things but have brushed it off.

But I suppose to speak to your point,

More often than not, actually probably every time, I post a challenging scenario, I feel supportive energy coming my way to help. It’s very sweet :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and has helped me realized I am in fact NOT alone out here. And there is greater support than I realized.

I sure hope so. I would love to meet you wonderful people.



This is so beautifully said. :gem:


@rigel What lovely thoughts.


I think every one who commented pretty much proves that the forums doing better energetically speaking now