Mastrabation addiction ...Please Help


Transmutation and Microcosmic Orbit ( Ancient Arts)


Besides what I have recommend you, check out this album too, it’s for transmutation of sexual energy and desires, maybe someone better experienced here will better explain you how it works but always end with microcosmic orbit field.

Btw stick to my above first suggestions and you will be good I think, at least one month twice daily


this audio perfectly sublimates sexual energy, which is very felt. and the effect is almost instant

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Hi man, first of all congrats on making an effort and acknowledging how it is limiting you. That in itself is a big step.

I would first try to address any limiting beliefs you might have with this audio:

If you are on patreon there’s also the frequency only (if you don’t enjoy the music):

I would listen to something to start regenerating the brain, making you believe you can be free of the addiction ( you have Sapien’s mental health album here):

I would then stop and target the addiction directly and the procrastination:

Since you’ll be having urges and more energy later on you might look at this later:

Ancient arts album ( includes transmutation)


With all the audio recommendations, I would add this in your routine, as well look into the Nofap groups they can be a great mind support etc…

Strategies and techniques to help a person stop.

A combination of techniques may be helpful, including the following:

Avoid pornography

Exposure to pornography may trigger the desire to masturbate.

People who want to stop masturbating should avoid pornographic movies, images, and websites. If a person can place a barrier between themselves and pornography, it can help them break the habit.

It is now very easy to access pornography in just a few seconds. However, people can try to limit their access to pornography by using filters on electronic devices that block certain types of content, such as pornographic material.

Although a person can unblock such websites, taking the time to do so can give them time to regain control of their impulses and allow the urge to pass.

Stay active

It can be helpful for a person to find ways to occupy their time that does not trigger the desire to masturbate.

Finding outlets for energy release can replace the time spent masturbating. People can consider taking up a new hobby or learning a new skill, such as learning a musical instrument or trying a new sport.

Developing new goals can help a person refocus their energy and find excitement and fulfillment in other things.

It may also be helpful to determine when the urge to masturbate is highest and plan other activities for that time.

Spend more time with others

Some people may masturbate because they feel lonely or have nothing else to fill their time with.

Spending less time alone reduces the opportunities to masturbate. Spending time with others will not only keep a person occupied, but it might also redirect their focus.

There are several ways to decrease solitude. People can meet up with friends or family, take a class, or join a gym to stay socially engaged with others.


Exercise is an effective way to both lower tension and positively focus energy.

Activities such as running, swimming, and weight lifting can strengthen the body and release endorphins that promote feelings of well-being.

Feeling happier and more relaxed may reduce the urge to masturbate as frequently.


Apart from all the great advice that has already been shared, I want to add this.
See it as a part of becoming an adult, a man (or woman) who is responsible and has enough self-control to delay gratification.
This is also a perfect opportunity to practice energy work. Imagine yourself slipping into the aspect of a mature rolemodel of yours. You know when you are doing it right, and you won’t have any desire for it any more and if, you will be able to say no and grow each time you do so

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I’m an expert on this topic, I have a website and give professional advice on this… So your root issue is not masturbation and porn addiction, it is just the result of the root issue, so write me a private message and I will throw some light on the path to recovery, all the given recommendations before are just right, but without specific context you could be “spinning your wheels on nothing” so start with Overcome Addiction audio and then remove all pornography from your life, finally it COULD be a love ro emotional void issue not a sexual issue, but we have to find the right issue first. Anyway Overcome Addiction audio is a must for anyone struggling with any addiction.


It is.

Love and emotional healing usually heals it because the thoughtform weakens.

Porn and masturbation create a thoughtform, he has been doing it for 30 years, thats one hell of a thoughtform.

I’d say we skip the months of healing and do a little murdering.

Here goes again ;

Print higher self mandala, hold in left hand, say

“Higher self, it is my will that you destroy every self-sabotaging thoughtform I have created”

Be in pain for a few hours as ego resists, have an emotional release afterwards, cry of joy, then come and thank me.


Samurai always has a solution lol

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Do you know his personal history to affirm this?

Easier alternative that takes a bit longer but less painful ;

Wear Michael’s mandala, his energy will automatically kill any negative thoughtform.

Will take longer, but there will be no withdrawal symptoms because you’ll feel too good with angelic energy.


Personal stories dont matter.

Like usual, it starts as a kid discovering pleasure, it becomes a habit, a form of relief from stress etc etc.

Meanwhile creating a nasty thoughtform whos sole purpose is to keep you doing it so it can exist.


Well, that is your believe, could be other ways… But well, @mysticstuffs will decide what is best for him…

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People who are trying to overcome an addiction will confirm this ;

Ever had that moment where it seems like youre posessed? Like youre running towards the addiction, a part of you deep down says “nooo!!” but “you” ignore it?

Then once you relapse, you think FUKK!!

How could I do this …? That wasnt me!!

Yup. Thoughtforms can possess you too, and when youre in regret after a relapse, its sittin back with a cheeky smile, enjoying its dominion over you.


Yes you are right, but this could be discused… I don’t have time to discuss about it now… Everyone has the right to believe whatever desires…

The only thing we all desire is that he gets back on control of his life, how he achieve it is not a problem.

Lol, this isnt faith healing, theres nothing to “believe”.

You are right too, emotional healing, trauma release, they all help indirectly by allowing the real “you” to surface again, and the real “you” wont harm itself.

Dear Samurai, you speak well as thou u have beside me. yes u are right on my addiction.

Whatever you say was right, especially i feel like someone wants me to do it and then i regret… why i did it. But now it seems a habbit daily.

I am really regret to make the Lust,Kama to take advantage over me.

I thank all brothers who have suggested solutions on audio. i have started listening.

Samurai, i appretiate ur mandala advise. I love you bro.

K Energy, thank u very much bro.

30yrs of addiction is no joke…

Sure I know is not a joke, I come from the same place and time :pray:t2: get the control over your life, the way is not as important.