Matchmaker misprint

i have two matchmakers one for backup and my main one. But i just realized that my backup is a misprint do you think it’ll still work?
you can see that the image of one of the two pictures is a bit off center.

also after boosting my main one 15 times it stings now to put my back up on. Although i never boosted my backup tag.

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where is the misprinting? I have a similar problem.

Mine looks the same like yours, maybe it’s designed like that idk, that version but only matchmaker

it’s on the right side of one of the picture on the dog tag. It’s a tiny fuge. my main one is fine but the other. those are two different tags

i see that. Got two matchmaker too. One for me, when I opened it up I saw energy coming out of it and my heart started beating differently. The second matchmaker which had the same problem (the photo is not placed right) didn’t make a difference to me nor the one I gave it to. If she doesn’t see any difference I will replace it but first lets see what @El_Capitan_Nemo says about the photo placement.

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i will contact teespring since its their fault they will replace it. They have to pay for it. I wrote him an email aboout it. I have OCD so i need everything to be perfect or else i go nuts over the tiniest things.

i also have no clue what im doing here but it looks powerful to me. I hope it repairs my overboosted field

My matchmaker tag also is pushed to much to one side. But that has not affected the tag in anyway. It still functions well. As long as the image is fine the tag will work

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did you still notice effects? or should i go back to my main one. only problem is my main tag is boosted beyond infinity and the effects kinda went away.

It doesn’t even matter how the image is placed on the tag, as long as it’s visible.

I don’t think a misplaced logo will affect the field. I have the old quantum energy pendant and it dropped to the floor and broke in half and a few smaller chips on one side which left a few dents. I super glued (just the halves, the small chips are gone) it back together and it works fine.


Its not a problem at all.
as you have noticed it worked fine.
there is will always be mild variants in product production.