Have noticed matchmaker makes me hornier than usual when I use it lol. Anyone have any ideas why that happens? I know that there’s increased pheromone production but I don’t think that should affect testosterone or something like that
Are you using MatchMaker for a potential sexual partner?
If so, then you need have a little extra “sexual energy” vibing through you to attract others who attracted to having a sexual partner… otherwise known as “horniness”.
Okay this may be a little off topic and maybe weird. But do you think if someone masturbated or constantly thought sexually of me (maybe because of matchmaker) it could be giving me sexual energy hence making me more horny?
It could be also because of what you said but somethings telling me this may also be culprit. But I’m not sure if that’s how energy works so yeah
Sure, it’s possible. Happens all the time.
ikr! Just how @Sims do!
Got it. Thanks.
Sometimes I’m just about to sleep 10 - 11 pm and i get a rush of sexual energy and I’m like wtf. It makes sense now I guess
Well, not that simple.
You also have to consider that “bedtime” is when most males get “horniest”…
For most women, it’s soon after awakening…
Remember that for later
Also another question, do you have any idea why my dreams tend to be more sexual when i sleep with my matchmaker? I am normally too lazy to put my matchmaker off when I sleep and I have noticed the rates of sexual dreams increase by like 10x
Then males are masttubating to me too? Oh well…
lol no. I meant, that when going to bed, your natural biorhythms are making you “hornier”.
That’s unrelated to people thinking about you sexually making your hornier.
Yeah I know, I was just joking lol
Could you answer the other question pls if you know, I don’t want to go to sleep with the doubt lol
Same reasons basically. Morphic fields are working on your subconscious.
Dreams are like unfiltered subconscious material.
Just means the field is working well …assuming having a sexual partner is one of the reasons you’re using Matchmaker…
Makes perfect sense, thanks again!
Honestly i started using the matchmaker for the charisma and relations part, works extremely well. But I guess I subconsciously want a sexual partner too
imagine if this topic went for 1000’s and everyone was trying to figure out and help you why the matchmaker causing this symptoms and in the last post you drop this bomb
lolol you answered your question all along
What is matchmaker?
A tag that was sold on teespring