Meditation , crown chakra

One can certainly meditate on the Crown, but crown is typically the “fruit”, the outcome of the full-fledged functioning of all of the rest of the chakras in tandem with the energy system. That is not to say that one cannot or should not work on Crown directly, but not very easy or risk-free for most people as gradual ascension is suitable for most of us.

Hence while the other Chakras are called Kula (clan, group, family), the Crown (Sahasrara - thousand spoked wheel) is called Achakra (not-a-chakra) and Akula (not a group, not “belonging” to identifiable groups/structure). Another reason why traditionally the Crown is meditated upon as a down-facing lotus while the other chakras are up-facing.

The Sanskrit alphabet is composed of 50 letters and all mantras arise from permutations and combinations of these core letters. Each of these letters vibrate a petal of a specific chakra. And each chakra has a specific number of petals (when visualized as a lotus).

Root (4) + Sacral (6) + Navel (10) + Heart (12) + Throat (16) + Ajna (2) = 50 letters.

So, an authentic mantra is a specific combination of letters that activates a very specific energetic circuit. Take the popular mantra, OM Namah Shivaya (which Dream chose for his Essence of Mantras audio) - this grounds, energizes, and balances in a gentle way not aggravating anything, thanks to its energetic pattern, hence safe for most people (OM is often not added initially and added after a certain level of accomplishment).

OM - Throat
Na - Navel
Mah - Navel
Shi - Root
Vaa - Root
Ya - Sacral

The crown on the other hand houses all these vibratory letters multiple times (20X50 = 1000). So every time any individual petal of a lower chakra vibrates and activates, the corresponding petals in the Crown are vibrated as well, energetically. When all the lower Chakras vibrate in harmony and in unison, the Crown automatically blooms and fully activates. Trying to directly work with the Crown while the lower chakras are not vibrating at their full potential is not easy and can cause issues. This is also the reason for the order of structure during initiation - be it into mantras (certain mantras are revealed only after initial set of mantras are perfected), or Yogic/Alchemical techniques.