Meditation- Webinar 7/26 - 11:30 AM EST


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Topic: Sapienmed’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Jul 26, 2024 11:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 823 1889 5398
Passcode: 412866

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Thanks @SammyG and @Dreamweaver for the webinar. Too bad Captain didn’t speak else the webinar would have been even more livelier.

Topics - religion, masculinity & femininity, social media and usual banter.

This is a copy paste from the chat for those who couldn’t join, maintained verbatim to avoid distortion of Captain’s answers.

LG - I purchased the Zen lion and Health stat because I have a lot of pain in my body, hoping to help heal it. It’s been a couple of days but I see no difference in my pain levels. Is there some thing I need to do to help the process? I’m not very energy sensitive
Dream - No, I think trusting the process a bit, but hmm I really hope it starts working well, the benefits are great

benign_polaris - hey, I think last time orgonite was mentioned as something to possibly use when working with fields. Are there any specific materials that would increase or decrease the effect of fields? Or, more of an explanation of how the energy works in relating to things such as metals, crystals, etc
Dream - I am pretty sure you can use it to flavor the energy outputs of those things. Even better if they have an audio input

Crystalify from the energy course helps with the growth of chakras

Zen - Can we elaborate on the Alchemical revision audio or just healing trauma/shame/guilt/self esteem in general. How do we use the audio to access deeper layers of root issues we have. what intention is needed if any, any method to address the matter? I understand just listeing is not enough or rather makes the process longer.
Dream - Oh, think about the actual events if you can
Zen - what if we can’t remember the events? what’s the next best option
Dream - Focus on that ‘unknown’ then

Powren - Dream, what would be your non-obvious advice for using huge stacks and trying to have them all aligned and organized for the most effective results?
Dream - I would say to efficiently cut the stacks down and focus on smaller topics at a time

WasheYourSins - Dream, it’s possible for Servitors to fix some electronics devices through energy?
Dream - It’s possible but it’s more complex
WasheYourSins - Dream, in the way that we should guide the servitor how to do it based on some instructions that we can learn from some content?
Dream - You can try to teach it of course, why not try it

Kalacakra - If a field is more than 10 mins long listening to it till 10 min mark is good enough, will it be equally effective or every field needs to be listened to completely?
Dream - Sure man, the whole field is in all of the audio

rigel - Dream when you create deity fields, do you talk, commune with them etc? Is it all intuitive?
Dream - Yes I do talk commune etc
rigel - Ohh can they say no? if it was a private project in the past or similar
Dream - Of course it’s their choice

Sammy - why is praying to saints and mystics more easier than praying to Jesus
Dream - They closer, and when you put energy in (prayers), they act on the energy. They at a more accessible level to us.

Powren - Q for Dream, which fields would u say are TOP 5 forgotten gems?
Dream - Dunno man lol. I think the stars are always known plasma flaunt, blueprint of life, major blue print of power etc

benign_polaris - In trying to decide what to use for a golem servitor/being. Was thinking of using gold. There’s the inherent sense of value, visual aesthetic, and thermal/electric conductivity. Am curious on how you might have decided which items to use?
Dream - I think I like the ideas of rings or pendants, but I would use it more as an interface device so something smaller to keep on me for longer periods.

whiterose - Dream, is it ok to put a servitor on a pendant with a half an inch cystal and very little metal? Would the crystal (lab grown emerald / lab grown ruby / cubic zirconia) resist in time with the growth of the field, and also, the amplifying effect of the crystal on the field would not be too much for us to handle?
Dream - That seems fine to use

ABC - Are you going to be making some more ether forge servitors?
Dream - Lol yes, the full sized ones are for guilds. No no none with more than 7 seven slots

Nirvikalpa_Ric - Hello Dream, in the Alchemical Being series on teespring, it mentions that you will appear different in the astral, etheric and auric realms. I am familiar with the astral realm, so I was wondering if you could explain/tell us what the exactly the etheric and auric realms are
Dream - Those the shades of reality your aura projects unto

JAAJ - Hello Dream, what is the best way on how to work with the Sword of Destiny NFT? Just look at picture and set intent? Does it work the better, the more often I repeat this process? Thanks.
Dream - No, you need to work with it actively play it while doing an action related to realizing your goal

On using Become a being of Beauty and Innocence field
Dream - But also be careful, it can bring lower emotions to the surface (To be dealt with). Love is higher vibrational, Lower things like trauma can be pushed out to the surface to facilitate this new energy.

Kalacakra - Dream, do you have any suggestion on how to remember dreams better?
Dream - Yeh, drink a good glass of two of water you will wake up in a few hours to pee. Write it down when you go then go back to sleep. Write down key points


great work on your behalf! wonderful! thank you!