Meme Thread

I support both woman and man.
I think iit needs diffrent thread though.


I agree 100%

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Whatever, have a nice day

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Sometimes new threads just apperars in existing ones lol just create a new one please. Its a good subject to discuus. Really.
I got drunk when i first met my boyfriend. Some intimacy took place . He was drunk too. We live together for a year now. And planing future together.
I would actually be happy to have this sort of discussion on consent etc



Back to memes :grin:


ā€œHero catā€
ā€œSupposed guard dogā€ā€¦


Speciesism at its best!

She definitely had a hand (or a paw) in this.

(Still, SHE IS A Hero though)


Black with tiny mouth and i can still see his super proud face :laughing::relieved:

Also with super high judgy airplane ears haha

I can hear his thoughts judging Margaret always putting him in danger!

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Dog didnt show much interest :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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If Jake officially identifies as a ā€œblack muslim pan-lesbian semi-binary womanā€ in front of the court, he may still save his assā€¦
ā€¦you know, it would be bad press if they would charge someone from a minority groupā€¦

In Sweden you need to sign paperwork before any type of intimacy, every single time, otherwise it is rape according to the law.


Me - posting stupid and sometimes funny jokes,
I get likes

After posting or replying with/on something ā€œcontroversialā€


No likesā€¦


Lol my home would turn into office.:rofl:

Homey! Remember to sign those papers before You enter the bedroom lol


Bro? even if ur married?

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I guess so. Because marriage does not imply consent.
You have to verbally or contractually ask every single time.
Initiating intimacy through body language and touching is not allowed, at least a clear verbal request and reply must take place.
But verbal statements alone are no proof for the court so you have to go the written contract way :clown_face:

Sweden is the most unromantic and unsexual country in Europe that I am aware of. They are removing themselves from the gene pool at record speed.


This is the most ridiculous thing ive ever heard in my life. Why do they need to be so involved in that?


Because they are a redical feminist country.
Radical feminism and romance cannot co-exist in my opinion.


The whole purpose of the marriage contract is not to have happy families or peopleā€™s intimacy needs fullfilled, but for the state to outsource financial olbigations sooner or later onto its citizen because of the massive amount of divorces. The state only cares about its cash flow and keeping people down under its control, struggling to pay their bills.

The state does not give a fuck if someoone gets the amount of intimacy they need, hoped for or are ready to receive/give. The whole marriage contract is all about outsourcing financial obligations. Sexual consent laws are completely detached and independent of the marriage contract laws.

A lot of men are stlll tricked into the marriage contract with the promise of guranteed eternal sex. But of course, legally, a marriage contract does not entitle or obligate anyone to receive or give sex to their partners.
Most people are delusional here, not aware of the laws and are brainwashed by Disney fairy tales.
And then additionally, the stateā€™s agenda is to turn women into aggressive unhappy feminists to switch their perception onto all the things that their husbands are doing wrong so that they then divorce their husbands after several years and all the financial obligations are put onto the menā€™s shoulders. The state wants people to marry, but then it wants them to get divorced as soon as possible so that the financial obligations are transferred from the state onto the man (in most cases).

Now that more and more people are waking up to this, the state has radicalized the laws even further, as now you count ā€œas marriedā€ just for co-habitating together for more than 2 years. So now you cannot even live with your GF/BF together in the same flat for more than 2 years without the state forcing itself into your relationship with its laws of outsourcing financial obligations onto you.

At least these are the mechanics here in Germany (and most Western countries).

There are 3 possible solutions that I see at the moment:

  • Only interact with high-self esteem romantic partners to reduce the risk of divorce rape and financial rape
  • Only book professionals
  • Move to a country where marriage still means something and marry a high-self esteem partner there

The State:


