Micro Plastic Detox Smart Field



This audio is so relaxing, my body feels so relaxed


Thanks dream. This is much needed in today’s day and age.


Using this since its release. Got some stomach ache and migraine today. Feeling a bit sick in general.


Yes!! :star_struck: Microplastic cleansing is so undervalued in todays world! They seem harmless but can influence our hormones, health in many subtle ways. Wishing all a healthy detox :blush:


Is hairfall a symptom of detox? Ever since I started listening to this I’m having more hairfall


Today I came across a video that paper cups actually contain plastic hidden below the thick layer of paper, till all these years I thought they were safe.

@tagler2 no detoxing means harmful products thrown out of the body through excretory system and in extreme cases puking.


Plastic is in many items and they are perfectly safe. Paper cups and a ton of cardboard packaging has multiple layers, one is plastic of some kind or another. Otherwise only metal or glass becomes viable. Plastic even if it’s of type that should not be in direct contact with liquid, is insulated by paper or other layers in such packaging.

The biggest issue isn’t in items that hold well right now, like new packaging, but the ones that are decomposing as thrash, broken, burnt in unsafe conditions, full decomposition of plastics is long, but them just being broken down into fine matter can happen pretty fast. This is when the plastic enters water and soil, partially decomposed and thus releasing its components.


Agree and interesting thing is that many creative minds are using pollutants to create new products, recycling plastic and carbon waste in ways previously unheard of.

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the thin plastic layer is the surface layer inside the paper cup, it’s what we put our lips on, and our hot coffee into :

" Most paper cups are made with a thin layer of plastic called polyethylene , which is what keeps heat in and prevents the cup from getting soggy. "

" Takeaway paper cups are lined with a polymer (plastic) lining to make them waterproof. Traditionally this lining is polyethylene, but in the case of compostable cups it is a polylactic acid plastic lining. "


Still it’s unlikely a problem, plastic layering holds for the time the cup is used, then it’s shedding in the thrash and eventually to the environment. This is the key issue as it can easily cycle back into water and then content of say any cup, plastic or not.

Although it’s also still common to use paper cups I think at catering with temperature higher than 60C, while they are rather inferior to glass or metal at this level.

It’s better to avoid single-use items anyway if they provide just minimum convenience.

Hmm interesting point! It may be a part of the detox process as theres so many factors to it. You could listen to stem cells to hair and hair recovery 2.0 on patreon! Sure those would help!

How long have you listened to the field for?

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I’ve been listening since the day it released.

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Let me do some research and get back to you on this!

My early assumption now would be if theres no pattern baldness or other hair loss conditions, it could be detox stress on the body which is quite temporary! Are you feeling any other symptoms?

Liver fields mby?

As migraines can be connected to the Liver.
If its the liver, then some more fat in the diet will help the bile flow too.

Take it easy too


Just came across this article - microplastic found in human brains :brain:


So grateful to Dream for creating this field! :pray:

/looping it :sweat_smile:/


I was just reading the same article! How many months should we listen to it to expect a satisfying cleansing? Should we start playing the field to our children too, to help them detox while they have not yet accumulated too much junk in their bodies or is it not safe for them?

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Has anyone noticed effects after more than a month this field was released?

Apparently miscoplastics are in everything, even in water and salt, we will always be exposed, the use of this field should be continuous even though I don’t know how much

Removing micro plastics from body is not noticeable in any way, you need to get some medical tests done to know before and after results.