Monadic Aspect Consciousness Tools (Field)
If possible, I ask @Dreamweaver @SammyG to create a field that will help experience and awaken monadic awareness. Also I wonder what you think of this.

Monadic consciousness the awareness we use on all levels of experience (Atmic, Buddhic, Manasic, Causal, Mental, Astral, Etheric, Physical). On its own level, it is pure consciousness without object, completely formless.

More about the Monadic consciousness:

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Therefore, I am interested in this question, which I am asking, perhaps all these aspects are included in a series of vibrations, if not, it would be interesting to test this experience.

Which is what is OM … called the Transcendental Brahman (not to be confused with the creator god Brahma), which though is perceived as a subtle sound, or primordial light, is not associated with any name, space, or object. The Brahman is not a state which can be turned off or on (as anything experienced in stages of absorptive Samadhi ceases after the absorptive consciousness is disrupted), it is not an experience or anything that can be known or explained in the state of duality-consciousness - though, in stages of states of deep bliss, deep sleep and deep Samadhi (which is a much superior form of deep sleep), glimpses of this pure objectless - existence -consciousness - bliss (Rigpa Experiences) can be seen. Formless Consciousness cannot really be “experienced” but “realized” as what is already there.

A lot of these terms - Buddhic, Atmic etc., are borrowed by the Theosophists from classic Advaita and Tibetan Buddhism/Bon, but they don’t necessarily mean what they originally meant in the Veda because the Theosophists and their terminology (which sprung the New Age movements) have changed with time and personalities. So, I am basing my understanding of the terms not by associated Sanskrit words (which the Theosophists royally messed up), but by their English interpretation - to ascertain what they probably meant by those terms (without giving too much weightage to every early Theosophist claiming to have met one or more Ascended masters most of who were traced to actual living personalities that took larger-than-life forms in the imaginations of Blavatsky and Leadbeater). Theosophy has some good in it, but a whole lot of weed that needs to be cleared before getting to the good haha…

As @_OM pointed out elsewhere, Vibration of Creation was an extension of the original OM field. If I understand you right, you are basically asking for an Enlightenment field? I don’t think there is such a field currently, but if one uses Vibration Fields and puts in the needed work, probably Enlightenment is a possibility (I am specifically not using the term Ascension here because ascension is not necessarily enlightenment).


Maoshan, can we say ascension will take us towards enlightenment. Is that the right understanding? Thanks.


It certainly can! Just like Yogic practices can propel towards enlightenment if used skillfully.


+1000 :slightly_smiling_face:


Our vibration audios and ego dissolution work on getting you to that state of consciousness. In the long run at least. To get there requires the shedding of the ego… all that conditioning, repressed energies, memories, ext… It’s all in the way of the true self. The monadic consciousness is this consciousness. Just another way of saying it.

Dream had a funny way of describing it once. When we go to this world, we are completely clean and pure. But we right way, start walking through a sewer and get covered in poop as we keep walking through. This poop is the ego. We walk in this poop so long, we think we are the poop. Enlightenment is cleaning up the poop and becoming the pure self once again :laughing:

(Edit: This was just an analogy btw. Dream wasn’t literally saying the ego is poop lol)



Poop dissolution


Lmao one of my fave snl skits :smile:


Ego in a Nutshell ?


There’s those unicorns pooping rainbows again… :rofl:


man haha how to follow on from a unicorn rainbow poo video :joy: top marks!

I’ll try. My mate just did an really great video on the monad, he’s a real one. Worth watching

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