Money success stories?

I’d love to hear some money success stories in terms of firstly getting money esp a lot of money. Secondly in terms of a better money mindset.
In those regards but esp in terms of increasing your cash, which of Sapien’s masterpieces have been the most helpful to you - the free ones at this stage, the YouTube ones. I would really love to know.
Even more so if it was things like money you didn’t even have to work for. I already work a job & may have to work another one through my holidays if things don’t improve & I’m already so tired from the day job lol. I’d like to add I DID buy two of the paid programs (not money ones, the empath one & advanced healing) & I will buy more when I can afford to.
But all success stories would be appreciated.


It can be done with the free Draw Luck Mandala in my case or other Sapien tools (free and paid ones).


Its not only for money tho,
I would get invited to a party because ‘‘xyz just come from abroad and drinks are or her/him’’
got invited to a dinner, people would give me food at work for no reason (not like sandwitch, more dinner type food) AND I would get a payraise, find money, recieve gifts etc.
Just remember to be generous too :smiley: and dont focus on what You lack, focus on what You have instead.

I have people who find my business without me putting any ads out anymore. I used to pay $100 per month and get about 3 people. Now I got over 20 people who found me and I don’t have to pay a cent or do any marketing…Zero marketing.

I’m connected to successful people and opportunities. I was personally vetted for and mentored by a millionaire who found me on Facebook.

In terms of money mindset, I used to be afraid of talking to anyone who’s like 6-7 figure above me. Now I just talk to them casually like buddies. My relationship with money changed. I actually love it when it comes my way.

I find money don’t fall onto your lap. You need channels that makes sense for money to flow in faster.
And that means getting out there and doing something.


where i live we’re given stipends due to covid restrictions.

i’ve gifted most of it towards others as i make enough to live on my own finances.

i’ve given hundreds to people i barely know or just met once because i felt like they needed it more than i did and it was within my power and control.

i just recently gifted $2,000.00 to someone close to me and the delight and relief they experienced was worth it!

i know it’s not what you asked for, but i wanted to share why it is joyful and fulfilling to have a financially abundant mindset. you get to give money away because you don’t need it to survive.

a financially healthy mindset can be obtained at any dollar amount whether you have $0, thousands, millions, or in debt. the intention towards this mindset will keep it alive and thriving.

i agree.

what helps is to find work that you enjoy.

you could also begin the process of working for yourself which then gives you back your time and energy to choose how to allocate it within your life.


and it will be really worth it when what you have generously donated will come back to you with interest: congratulations! :ok_hand:


I DO work in a full time job and may have to add a part time job on the side and a summer job.
I don’t have the energy for a job ON TOP of all that and I certainly don’t have the time.
I was almost falling over in exhaustion this morning.
So yes I’m more looking for ones for money out of the blue


i’ve been here and from my experience, your body comes before work. it is okay and healthy to take rest from work. i am sure you know this, but i say this so readers can also benefit.

if you like movies, may i suggest:


this is a beautiful example of money coming from out of the blue.


What audios tags mandala worked for u


I’m actually surprised because on the for eg life of abundance & wealth videos some people seem to have manifested random money & I thought some people here might have?


How do you wear a mandala…I have a print of Empathic shield…I am going through a lot of financial hardships…can I wear two mandalas at the same time…and how do you wear it?


I read an instagram comment by Sapien saying that it would be better to use just one mandala at a time for faster, stronger results. For your financial needs, you can also use the Abundance and Prosperity mandala if you wish, although in my case, the Draw Luck one is excellent for money matters and problem-solving and I did not need other mandalas anymore during that time.

Right now, though, I put Sapien’s Lucky Horseshoe mandala along with other paid Maitreya mandalas in my wallet when I go out. I also have copies of them at home put in a plastic booklet which I wear at home after listening to Sapien audios. So far, results are okay since Maitreya posted that you can wear several of her mandalas at the same time.


Thanks a lot…I really helped…I will print it wear it in small size :slight_smile: