Morphic Fields Audio Creation


Does Sapien Medicine have any plan to launch a class or tutorial on how Morphic Fields or energetic frequencies are created. I’m willing to pay good money just to understand how it works and to be able to customize it for myself.

Maybe Sapien Med can “collaborate” with someone in the creation of a particular audio, while teaching the process on how it was done, and charge a good fee for the experience of creating a field.

I am willing to be the first guinea pig and to pay for that experience! :smiley:


For a general idea on how Morphic Fields are created:


Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. What is the name of the course in Udemy?

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Yes, I’ve read this article a couple of years ago, now Im ready to learn more and benefit more from it.

Thank you for sharing though :slight_smile:

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