Most Effective Hair Thickening Stack

Hair loss ver2.0 is better than 3.0?


i did not expect this! Thank you😊


yes some people were saying that.

they said v3 caused them to lose hair so they had stopped

Now that I went back and checked, a lot of people are saying 3.0 is better, and some people are saying 2.0 so tbh, just stick with either

This is my stack:

  • antioxidant
  • Endocrine
  • Grey hair 2.5
  • Stem cells to face scalp neck
  • Hair v3
  • Beard

Please don’t listen hair V3 you will lost your hair I listen the video for 6 month and I lost more hair no hair regrowth :sneezing_face::sob:


Maybe you are interested in a concept called :

Shedding (Hair related)

Its part of the regrowth component , also you should use something to target the root cause of your hair loss. :fallen_leaf: ( Which could be many )

The Hair Serum its a potent blend that can treat almost everything about hairloss. :fallen_leaf: :arrow_right: :sunny: :arrow_right: :leaves:

Could be a good inversion if you are interested. :sunrise:


Yep this is actually going to be my next purchase because my hair used to be sooo beautiful but living for so long in the Caribbean, with the shower water still having sand and or salt or lots of chemicals even if it has a filter it has damaged it a lot, it might still look pretty but far from how it was.

The shiny and Revitalizer one helped but it still needs the big push from this one.


Damn, sorry to hear that

Well I did PM Dream a while back and he said just listen to dutasteride and shiny/revitalized hair

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But I think an updated stack that would quickly thicken hair would be… and would work for everyone effectively is

  • Endocrine System (for the hair though it may not seem like it, but this is the most important audio to listen too, most hair problems root cause start at the endocrine system when hormones are imbalanced or if endocrine organs aren’t functioning properly)
  • Grey Hair 2.5
  • Dutasteride
  • Shiny hair
  • Nerve Damage Help (the new one) —>Optional

I have used this recently on alternate days 3-4 times and I have seen increased hair fall since one week after this addition. So I have stopped today and wanted to observe for a week if this is the real cause of it. I’ve observed many times that my scalp is very sensitive to even slight increase in test , I am thinking endocrine system rejuvenation has impacted this test levels. Even the upper or leg workouts which has test, has the similar hairfall effect bcz of test. you guys can observe how it works for u. Normally I don’t have any hairfall, hardly few strands.

I use dutasteride on daily basis 5x.

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I think some people are writing that on purpose (hair loss this, hair loss that, bots they are)

Collagen 2.0 is super underrated for the hair as well

Don’t forget Plasma protocol 3 guys…

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ha ha did you guys forget?

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Does this make your hair shed?

I want my hair to be thick because mine is too thin and straight, what should I use? I have no hair loss problems.

Idek man at this point, try mixing and matching different fields

I would say wait for the new hair nft that’s gonna be a public release


Thanks man

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