(Mostly for Fun/Your Entertainment and What If Scenarios...Mostly an Unscientific Thread) - - - Conspiracy Theories Thread

Although it dressess in silk, monkey stays/remains monkey?
Is it accurate?

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Beautiful image.

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Minus the leash on the monkey, but understandable.

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Hehe just a random Google search

Similar to Opica zostane opicou, hoci by si na nu zlatú retaz povesil.

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I have never heard of this author before. I am affraid his assessement is to a large extent accurate. I don’t know where he got his information: but it is very likely that there is (or at least there has been for a long time) a soul harvester around earth.

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I have no idea where he got his information, and I am afraid of such scenarios too.

What he does not offer is any solution, he claims that the current plan/programme is already ended, as in some aliens will come to end humanity sometimes in the future.

And after, they will start another project.

Still, I believe that humanity has the potential to surmount any obstacle, local or otherwise, plus it could be partially true (his theory), thus partially wrong, the ending is not yet decided, at least that’s how I view things.

Also, his terrible idea that souls can be destroyed, idk about that…

But maybe they can be modified through very advanced tech, that part is reasonable.

As a conclusion, as you said: some type of harvesting seems to have taken/or maybe still takes place on/around Earth, for whatever purposes.

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Wow, what is happening with those Earthquakes?

The Super volcano or whatever it was from Yellowstone (chain of earthquakes)?
Something else?

Edit: most of the action seems to have taken place in Turkey.

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Source: The use of chip implants for workers - Publications Office of the EU

Will implanted chips be mandatory to work in EU?
Let me guess: First it is just for volunteers. Then there will be incentives for implanted people and then it will be made mandatory. Just as they tried in my country with vaccination.

Of course this study is from 2017 and until now I did not hear about it. Even more spooky. Too many things are happening out of nowhere at the moment.

This is of course no conspiracy because it is an official document from European Parliament. But will it become reality? Some might call this conspiracy.


Next big thing, probably…
At least at some point.

Maybe for “our own good” or for “the good of the Planet” (carbon footprint or something?), who knows what card they will play…

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I think most people will resist and they do know this so they probably gonna offer something to make it more tasty.



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The truth about blood! English can be translated

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