Muffled ear

Hi guys,

Woke up with one ear feeling like it’s underwater or in an airplane. It doesn’t wanna go away.

Any fields for the inner ear?



Hey. I don’t think there’s one specific targeting that. Maybe you can try using For the skeptics followed by Breathe of the Belly. To try to unblock that. Good luck.

Edit. I just remembered there’s the ear wax remover. You can try that also. :+1:


Seems like you’re having problems with your Eustachian tubes, I was having the same but for different reasons. Try an oil that opens your system up like peppermint oil or vaporub. There’s nothing specifically for this so physical solutions would be the best option. If not, you could give plasma light or blueprint of life a shot

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Thank you…

@Reform you read minds in your spare time? Coz i used plasma and blueprint of life… The issue is gone now

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