Hello dear community!
thank you all stay sober,
This has been a great day thus i had a thought,
is it possible to listen to a morphic field at the same time
listening to spotify, a subliminal audio or just a random youtube vid,
will the audio clash or will it work anyway?
If you know what i mean, thank you all stay healthy and strong!
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You can listen to the audio while multitasking,listening to music etc. But in my opinion there is no need to hear subliminials with the audios (you still can, with the deep aura cleaner being an exception)
This is a good point. It depends on what you want to achieve. I think that fields are more effective, but subs can help when there’s something more specific
I think subliminal and morphic fields are better not to mix together, but to use separately. by the way, subliminal goes well after EgoDissolution -> subconscious limits dissolver -> theta v.2