Music Thread 🎵

It would be a lie if I said “no, they aren’t” :p


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:champagne: :clinking_glasses:

Forgot to add that apart from trying to pronounce “tteaaa” like the Liam guy, I also train myself for saying “sunshiiiiaaayyynnn” that way…

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That’s perfect, actually :laughing:

Meant to comment on this last time you brought it up. I’m having doubts about your proclaimed inability to sing this exactly like Liam :smirk:

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Lots of compliments at once, I can’t take such an amount! :p

It’s problematic actually because my English pronunciation is truly horrible + I have a quite low pitch voice. Still, singing is known to be easier than talking in most cases, isn’t it.

So I was able to sing some of their songs like Married with Children without butchering them too much :)))

That aside, the trailer has made me super emotional, I dug up all my Oasis playlists :joy:

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For your Digsy’s Dinner audition on The Voice.

I’d have to say so. Singing seems to smooth out the accents of singers. Oasis lyrics? No problem. On the other hand, I’ve watched old interviews of Noel and Liam and felt like I needed an interpreter to follow the conversation :flushed::sweat_smile:

I think recent conversations here with fellow fans has re-kindled the fire a bit. No more binging like before, but just enough to keep me satiated. The documentary should be :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


My neighbors hate this song, as a matter of fact a lot of people just driving on the lane next to me too long do too

It’s also probably the only song I sing out loud in the car


Oh no, not The Voice! I used to date a guy who participated in it and totally went nuts afterwards :joy:

However, I did honor our beloved Digsy’s Dinner the other day by sneaking it into an article I was writing for my job :p

Some Vocal Strengthening could never hurt though :pray:t2:

Ah did you? :sweat_smile: Funnily enough, I have less problem about following conversations in British English.

I guess because they sound more… articulated, maybe?

You wise one. Because I did totally binge on my end :)))

Can’t wait! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart: :grin:

And Stay Young = :heart_eyes:


Sometimes it’s hard to not let eternal youth get in the way of ‘wisdom’ though… certain element of childishness, new-ness… I guess.


You guess well, Grimy’… It’s all because of:

PS: not related at all, I was just listening to this one ;))

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