Music Thread 🎵


This one calibrates very high if you’re looking for some good vibes

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You might like this one for your workout playlist :muscle:t3:


Thanks for sharing !
I definitely want a bigger selection for my work outs lol…

I never heard of Nine Inch Nails before, the song has some interesting lines lol
I like the hard guitar playing for the chorus
I dunno what that’s called, a riff? I dunno lol

Share away! I need more hard core stuff

I was gonna say, the first song you posted was like the polar opposite of the song I posted just before haha just two different galaxies of music on two different sides of the universe lol

Reminds me of K-Ci and JoJo

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Wow this music is like putting some water on all this fire/aggressive hard vibes from this music I’ve been blasting lol

Was listening to lots of metal for my leg work out earlier and I came home and played the song I posted a few more times, cuz I was really feeling its hardcore-ness lol

Time for more metal :triumph::triumph::triumph::angry:

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Yeah man, NIN is classic. you can go down the rabbit hole with them. That song is basically a shot at the fakeness/vanity of Hollywood and celebrityhood in general.

I’ll share a couple more

I know, lol

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Ah! I need to look at the lyric video exactly, that flew over my head…

I’ll check out what you shared some time tomorrow! Need to do my practices and head to bed, no more metal for me :face_holding_back_tears:

Maybe will check them out during my work out

Mr self destruct, going off the title alone, sounds dope lol

I love the possibilities
Could be a hit for my work out music selection just going off the possibilities


I like Pantera for my workouts, do you know them? If you’re looking for more metal, check them out! My favorite songs are Walk, A New Level, Strength Beyond Strength, Mouth for War:


Great album!


I just checked them out! I liked the second one better than the first, I’d like to do cardio to it haha I just started implementing cardio at the end of my work outs yesterday

I actually listened to nine inch nails yesterday but a different song lol I guess they do come on my play list

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I had to stop listening half way through

Need to save it for my work out tonight :joy: imma play their radio station on my music app lol I want something like this song for my top set

That’s wild! That guitar is war ready

I love that kind of metal for the gym

Something berserk

If I where to play it blasting while driving, I bet id drive at least 10 mph faster than usual lol keep it away from me if I’m on the wheel!!

And no, never heard of Pantera! Thanks for sharing!


Awesome man! I listened to them in High School back in the day, now they are strictly for work out sessions haha.

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I listened till chorus kinda (saving it till later lol)
I’ve heard this song before
During a work out

What a super fueling song bro…
I loved that song! I should’ve taken note back then

I’m so gonna listen to this one later too haha

Song is bad ass! Vicious

I feel you haha

I’m 80% the same with metal
The other 20% is when I’m feeling some type of way haha

I liked metal when I was in elementary and missed the metal train till after highschool, years after… Glad I’m on board now

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Yeah, it’s all about preference. NIN is considered more industrial rock than metal. Definitely not as hard as Pantera is.

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for a second i thought Dream had released an album on Eneegetic Alchemy :( the art and colors look similar to some of the albums on that channel!


Those are the best words I’ve read in a while :crossed_swords:


I’m definitely a fan of theirs! Pretty Hate Machine is my fav album, then Spiral. Saw NIN in concert 20 years or so ago, such a memorable show!

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I believe it! I forget when it was but I remember at some point Trent Reznor going from skinny to jacked out of nowhere, haha