My dream day! What do you think?


I think I’ve read everything on this forum in the past few days so I redid my playlists and stacks. But of course, now I have questions. My goals and desires for listening to the tracks are to dissolve all my limiting beliefs and finally live the life of my dreams. Which is to earn 6 figures a year as an art and travel writer, move to a new country every 3 months, with a better body and a youthful glow.

At the time of this post, I’ve listened to Subconscious Limits Dissolver 100 times in 3 days. I’m in quarantine so I thought let’s experiment!

*Some mornings I have 60 minutes to listen and other mornings I have 90 minutes to listen. This the new playlist I’ve made up. Is this a good playlist? How about the order of tracks? (All together these tracks are 90 minutes)

Subconscious limits dissolver
Jin restoration
Brain regeneration
Abundance for all
Powerful good luck energy
Stop procrastinating

*In the evenings I can listen for at least 1 hour, maybe 2 if I’m at home. Do the tracks work together? Is it too many? If yes, what would you delete? (All together this list is 60 minutes long)

Super metabolism boost and weight loss
Core strengthening
Automated cardio
After workout, muscle recovery
Anti aging
Fat Stem Cells

*I’m a preschool teacher so I can’t listen at work but some afternoons I have 30 minutes free so I was thinking of either listening to the Alchemy of Love playlist or the one below. Same questions… do the tracks work together and how is the order?

Super Human Genius
Permanent brain enhancement
Brain regeneration

In an ideal world, this would happen every day, but I’m aware that some days I won’t be able to listen.

Would love to know your thoughts! Thanks so much!
Have a wonderful day!


Those all look good. You don’t need to listen to Subconscious Limits Dissolver that many times in just a few days, but that’s good enthusiasm to keep up!!

Permanent change takes time - you only really need to listen to a particular audio field 2-3 times per day to see results.

I recommend you add the new Luck audio, as well as Life of Magical Abundance, and some of the Love and Self-Love audios that give you the feeling of being whole (Become Whole audio).

There’s also the Abundance
, Best Path In Life, and Glory Dog Tags available for purchase from Teespring. For manifesting your particular desire (Glory is good for that), you can use the 55*5 manifesting method. There are some good videos on YouTube about it.



@3Tulsi Thank you!

Can you clarify what you mean by ‘audio field 2-3 times per day’?
Does it mean one track/recording repeated 3 times? Or does it mean listen to any 3 tracks related to abundance (for example)?

For the dog tags, do I have to wear it as a necklace? or could I take it off the chain and safety pin it inside my clothes?

You don’t have to wear it as a necklace. You can take off the chain and safety pin it inside your clothes. The tags are effective as long as they are somewhere within your aura (about 1 metre from your body).


Listen to each particular from YouTube/Gumroad, etc., 2-3 times each day


Sounds grRrrReat! I use a lot of those. Good luck! :stuck_out_tongue: