When I was experimenting on my tools to get them to grow eventually my electronics etc. Pick up the energy then Create energetic pollution. which can possibly stick to twistedsage tools and make them not work as well. I am wondering if anyone uses anything to combat electromagnetic pollution so I can continue using the electrical items
So far I have chosen this item to be the best for this situation. The energy on the electrical items runs out eventually, as long as I stop using energy tools and focus on removing the electromagnetic pollution buildup all the energy should run out eventually, right? And I’m thinking on using the betar mood tone generator to neutralize the energy that comes off the fridge washing machine etc. And then have a friend clean the electricity at the end with a picture of the breakers
If you are worried about electromagnetic pollution, then Sapien’s Elektrosmog album may help.
With that being said, it’s hard to really avoid environmental pollution – the vibrations from our environments shape who we are.
For example, someone who sits close to an air conditioning duct that generates low-frequency vibrations may have significantly more Theta or Delta activity in the brain and feel calmer than someone who is exposed to faster vibrations on a daily basis (who, then, may have more Beta activity and feel anxious).
Some pollution is good, if it’s at the right frequency. Some is bad.
Thanks I’ll check out that album :) I’ll use that along with the betar mood tone generator and I also use white sage smudging often
The white sage actually helps clear away electromagnetic pollution from my experience it makes it more pleasant
Noah vs Shawn!! EEG vs Betar Mood Tone Generator!!!
I’m going to collect about 5 of the 150 dollar ones eventually. And what will happen is all the electronics, radios, TVs, computers. Fridge and air conditioner will pick up the betar moof tone 7.83hz and then they will become their own mood tone generator on their own, so I will have alot more than 5 mood tone generators eventually lol
@shawn492, twistedsage tools will harmonize all electromagnetics, converting them from harmful to helpful, so there is no risk of EMF “sticking to them and making them not work as well”. That’s like saying your soap doesn’t work anymore because it came into contact with dirt. These tools clean this energy, they don’t get dirty from it. The Golden Fire line of tools is especially good at this.
Use your quantum healer wand to connect with the golden fire & light wand’s etheric template, then use that to anchor a light into the property where you live. While you’re at it, anchor lights into any cellphone towers within line of sight of where you live. For any devices that emit particularly strong fields, attach a cell-phone tab to them (like your WiFi Router).
Brian’s site ReclamationEarth.com has videos to elaborate on this process, if you’re unfamiliar.
Golden. Fire definitely helps alot. Will be getting a new one of those