Been using this stack for the past 3 days and the results have been amazing!
Had no luck finding a job for the past few weeks and all of a sudden got accepted to 4 different job interviews and probably will start working as a security guard very soon along with a very good salary.
I also received money basically for free.
The Stack:
1x Nullify negative planetary effects
1x Increase the positive planetary effects
3x Probability Alteration and Luck
2x Hand of Glory
This video is energetically programmed to work towards creating the experience of glory, but a divine sort, literally the feeling of ‘the heavens’ opening up. Also that special unique feeling from winning, perhaps winning a battle. The energy will surround and infuse you with this glorious energy.
The benefit from it, is that, it will create that glorious situation for you!
It means, if you use this for anything you need odds of success and winning in it will give you that edge and sharpen your sword.
damn, never tought about it that much but now oh boy
Like I mentioned in the post only been using this particular stack for 3 days. But I have been using Probability Alteration and Luck beforehand aswell.