My mom touched my moldavite! >: (

Citrine is known as the “lucky merchants stone”.
Putting the Luck field on Citrine should potentiate the effects.


you can make this a new topic if you wish,
but how about we crowd source it with information.
I mean, every body research and chip in
and I will make it work together and make an audio field with it.
So far we have citrine, ‘luck’
what else can we add.


Maybe create the Minfest Money combination / the Abundance Trio mentioned in High Vibe Crystal Healing

Jade with Citrine and Green Aventurine

Just a suggestion. Don’t know if the community wants, needs another abundance field.


Or maybe combine the “lucky” crystal with ruby ziosite, which creates drive and motivation?


How about crystals which increase coincidence and synchronicity, such as Star Hollandite quartz, labradorite or moonstone?


Great idea. Perhaps @ConkerRyan’s suggestion of ruby zoisite can provide the energy signature for grounding.


@Captain_Nemo I used the Luck sigil and added it to my Citrine crystal a few weeks back. I have it sitting on my desk when I’m working. So far, I haven’t seen any breakthroughs yet. Maybe I need to redo it or boost it?

Also, another suggestion would be to use rose quartz to attract love/ soul mate


Aren’t the planetary energies messing everybody up right now?

I don’t know much about astrology at all, but I listen to the Nullify field religiously and got great result with the sigil item.

Rhodizite is the best crystal I know of for giving one a feeling of personal power, and actual personal power. It works mainly on the solar plexus but also on the pineal and crown chakras. Plus it is a rare stone and hard to find in any size larger than minuscule.

Labradorite is called the Mage’s stone and lives up to the name. It not only can make one see things from multiple view points at once, but it can powerfully focus the energy of your spirit into manifesting into the world around you.

Those two together is what I would put into a field if I wanted to give someone the feeling of being a mage.

One or both of these could go well with any number of the suggestions given above to create something very interesting to experience.


cleanse it with source water (spring water) and with intentions and vizualise that is being cleansed.

Damn I thought this was a sexual reference:D :smiley:

Hey @GoddessesAndGod - how is the Moldavite holding up? Suddenly remembered when I saw my Moldavite rock today…


I love moldavite,
do you interact with the consciousness of it?
Or would you?
hmm… i could make a moldavite enhancer,
On audio that may help with that,
but it also means all the qualities of it, gets enhanced and it is sometime ‘picky’.


Dream, that would be great! I only pretty much work with 2 crystals - Moldavite and Metauralite! Any audio to connect to these would be amazing… :pray: :pray:

Metauralite seems easier to connect. While Moldavite has passive effects, I am not quite able to “tune” into it…

Mr. Biceps and I got the Moldavite from the same place almost on the same day lol…


Hey bro! My moldavite is doing alright! My heart sinks whenever i drop it though!

I got a small chipped corner though that’s gotten bigger over time :cold_sweat: but it’s still small lol you can kind of see it here

Probably dropped it about 5 times since i got it (i know…) but it’s all good now though! I told my servitor inside of it to protect it if it ever senses it’s home falling at a fast rate, i still tell it sorry whenever i drop it though

Before i put my servitor on it I called my moldavite Moldavito! I never shared this story but i actually got in a car crash (no injuries) the same day I got it! And my life took some real different routes because of it, in hindsight I’m really grateful!

Yess!! I would love that! I’m planning on keeping this moldavite till the day I die, so an enhancer would only enhance our relationship :slight_smile:

One day after i got no more fields to buy, imma invest in the biggest moldavite crystal i can from there and just keep it by my bed side! I initially got moldavite because it’s supposed to change your life, and I’m all for change!


Glad you were unhurt! Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of doorways open as well with this rock. Crystals are not my area of familiarity (Uial is the resident expert who guides me when I pester haha) - but Moldavite and Metauralite have been quite something!


/When an OG monk wizard shows his set up/


lol. i just stole your suggestions and put them in the servitor instructions… told you i was being lazy…


@Captain_Nemo I have a custom moldavite item that has the Higher Self field added to it. It would be great to make audio to enhance.


For 2 years I have Moldavite as a pendant, Its on me all the times ,Its a treasure, for the first week, I was not able to drive with it,i was high,until my body adapt to it, it helps you with Astral Travel, and you will going on Mission with this Moldavite.
This will protect you,and keep you on your path ,will remove those who does not serve you and your highest good, You also totally will be changed,Money will not be a matter to you anymore, it will open your heart chakra, there is too much to it.
Like you will see the reality, it will remove the mask before your eye ,you will not have greed, competitions will have no meaning to you…
It changed me, its removed so much of my fear, and beside that ,there is flow in my life, things are working in my favor ,money comes easily as i do not have fear, and whatever i gain i just give it to go and have no fear ,it gets back to me in tenfolds in miraculous ways.
BUT, if you want to be on the spiritual path, use it ,because it will change your life totally for sure.


So beautiful
Lucky you :blush:

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