My parents are making my life hell

I am a student and I have my goals in life but my parents are unwilling to support me in that endeavour, on top of that they are continuously trying to pull me down and manipulate me.
Especially, my father who constantly puts me down and never supports in anything I try to do.
My mind is in turmoil and I need help man this is hard.


i can offer you advice with fields:
you can listen to the fields on very low or no volume, and those fields that would improve the situation are:

free fields:
repel negativity vers. 2
exorcism rite vers 2.
clear negative energy and entety removal
the grand jeleaousy shield
the archetype of paretnal love.
use them when you wake up. one loop from each will be enough. be patient and be alone when you use those fields!

the paid fields would be:
Self respect
torus weaved respect
armor of light and glory
navigator of awe
one loop from each, each daily, would create alot of change in your life

you should also clear your enviroment, as i sence the best field would be: the essence of burned sage 4 loops every day on minimal volume.


also paid will be:
soul restoration series and smart cord cutter.

one would use those fields so:
soul restoration 1 loop
grounding 1 loop
soul restoration/heart center/ 1loop
grounding 1 loop
soul restoration/ forhead center/ 1 loop
grounding 1 loop
smart etheric cutter 2 loops
grounding 1 loop.


As for now I have no money mate but thank you for your help I am alone and I have no one else to look out for help I just wanna get out of this house man

then use the free fields and quickly. and idea is also to youse the free cord cutter and grounding the same principle as above with the soul restoration.

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and you may leave the house alittle bit. it helps. take care!

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Plasma flower and ye old negentropic harmonizer should do wonder in this case
They are both ambient fields and can be played simultaneously in same time without any problems

Fortunately for you, the PONR stack is free as are many of the fields in JAAJ’s Daily Self Love Stack :white_heart:. Both these stacks will build up your own core, resilience and empowerment so that you can be steady in your own truth.

As you become steady and can stand in the light of your own truth, you will be able to see the truth of what’s going on with your parents. As you do this for yourself, I’m sure you’ll discover that you have options, resources and solutions that you aren’t yet noticing (understandably).


Hi, @SAMRAk. Thanks for sharing your situation with us. In addition to the free fields, which will be an amazing resolution for you, see if you can get control of your focus. You are doing a good job at focusing on what you don’t want, so you are already a master at focus. Now use the freedom that is also with you, and everywhere around you, to free you even more. Let your mind rest lightly on your current situation. Then let it rest lightly on the area outside of your body, or outside of your house, or wherever you feel free. Only stay with each feeling for a few seconds, but switch back and forth between them. This will allow the polarities to collapse. We are all masters of the game of life, but we forget that part. You are not just your body, which feels trapped maybe? You are not just your mind, which is seeking “a way out”. What you are is beingness, true freedom itself. Ask yourself - “Am I this situation at home, or am I that which is aware of it?” If you weren’t more than your situation, you wouldn’t be able to see it and tell about it. Now that also gives you the awareness that you have the power to change the situation. The Sapienmed fields, and you, letting go of what appears to be going on in your family situation, so that your true options will be revealed. We are all here for you! :pray: :hugs: :sparkling_heart:


Thank you guys


Due to extreme traumatic outburst I lost consciousness yesterday guys


Hey bro…

I think if you have no way of getting outta there, i think you should make the place more pleasant until you can.

Listen to lots of love graviton and uplift yourself meditation… These two audios will affect yourself and as well as your parents, with time, they will be more loving and uplifting towards you

The peace meditation is also a great addition here.

From the description:

This meditation is a vast flowing pool with the intention of peace.
added your intention here can help manifest this into you life.
So in your contemplations, with this flow peace you can direct peace to the world, to yourself,
a situation
, whatever it may benefit.
add your thought and let it flow into being.
Set, forget and know that peace will without a doubt, flow.

Set intentions while listening to manifest peace in your household with your parents

Listen to this as well: the archetype of parental love

This will help heal you with traumas you’ve experienced with your family. It may also affect your parents indirectly because like the saying goes, “your inner world affects your outter world” and they’re closest to home in your outter world. What i mean by this is, they have the strongest connections (etheric cords) to you being your parents and are affected by you on a vibrational level more so than a stranger would for example.

I know there’s lots more that can help you in your situation, but i can’t think of any at the moment… so i will make another post in case i do. Best of luck brother!


Thank you brother

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Haven’t purchased yet, but everyone seems to dot on Point of No Return. Maybe it will help

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