Myostatin audio

Okay, I don’t think I look any different, but it’s definitely doing something. I haven’t done an assisted chin up in a while (I’m very tall and rather heavy, so I can’t do one by myself), but I just tried, and I actually need less counterbalance than I did before.


Do you know if it’s safe for organs, to not get bigger.


Pretty sure it is! @This_Boy_Here should have some good insight on this field.


Thank you I will try it


Do you think the audio of follistatin is safe too, like not reduce the natural body produce


Saferino :ok_hand: :100:


Actually don’t realy need follistatin if we use already myostatin inhibitor.

Right ?

Any feedback about myostatin field ?

is this to reduce or gain muscle? confusing


Gain muscles :slightly_smiling_face:


is this on YouTube available?

Unfortunately no, Just on Patreon

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how long is the track?


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thanks! do you want to share your stack list?

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Sure man, when i have some time i can show you (it’s a big stack)

But since the divine physique came out, i no longer use this stack, I just loop divine physique all the time lol, it’s replaced everything for me

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where is that? just copy and paste ur stack.

Oops my bad bro, I’ll write it down now lol (wish i could paste it)

Disclaimer: i only listen to divine physique now for hours on end now, these are my stacks before divine Physique was released, i also no longer own major, i gave it to my best friend as i felt i no longer needed it with Kali in my life

Pregym Stack

Blueprint of power (major) X1
Super human mutant X2
Photosynthesis X3
20e pepper x3-4
Blueprint of power (major) x1
The furnace X3
Increased nutrient absorption X1 (usually by here it would be 30 minutes after a meal)
BAM 15 X5
Blueprint of power (major) x1
Muscles beyond limits X8
Blueprint of power (major) x1
Blessings of saint biceps X3
Blueprint of power (major) x1
Gold oil of the sun X3-5
Copper oil Venus X3-5
Enigma of black martian Jing X3-5
Blueprint of power (major) x1
Immortal Caladrius X3
Testosterone X2
Extreme muscle growth X1
Blueprint of power (major) x1
Holy Grail X3-5
Spear of destiny X2-3
Excalibur X1
Child like wonder x0-3
Gregorian chants x0-1
Positive power waves X3
Super lung trainer x3
Blueprint of power (major) x1

Stack While Working Out

Enhanced blood circulation X3
Flight to flight X3
Blueprint of power (major) x1
Hardcore x15
Holy Grail X3
Blueprint of power (major) x1
Body symmetry X3
Hardcore x15
Holy Grail X3
Blueprint of power (major) x1
Body symmetry X3
Hardcore x0-3
Acquisition of abdominal definition X5 (while working out abs at the end of my work out)
Automated cardio X5 (on the way back home from the gym)
Oxidized fat X3
Immortal Caladrius X3
Blueprint of power (major) x1

Post Gym Stack

Now here, since the immortal Caladrius entered my life, this became very simplified for me… So i just would listen to immortal Caladrius and muscles beyond limits X8, bunch of blueprint of power major, and blessings of saint biceps X3

Would you like my stack before immortal Caladrius entered my life? (Warning, it’s oddly long… haha)


I accidentally had 1 extra major, i deleted it


Dude you must look like Arnold’s twin brother😳

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