Nanso No Ho - Rinzai Zen Miracle Healing Method?

Dear friends, firstly thank you for all your advice.

I was wonder if there is anything similar to this in Sapien Medicine, or whether Sapien is planning to do this. In one of the biggest ‘secret instructions’ of the Rinzai (Linji) sect of Zen, there is the infamous method called “Nanso No Ho” (meaning Soft Ointment Meditation) which was described in the classic text (Yasenkanna).

See Page 18 of Yasenkanna, also called “Soft Butter Method”.

What happened was that the awakened Hakuin (infamous Zen master) had done too much spiritual practice and all his energy was rising upwards, causing all kinds of ‘ascension symptoms’ and disrupting his health. He went searching around for solutions and then found a hermit in a cave who was rumoured to live to 300 years old.

He was then taught this “Nanso No Ho” method which involves visualising a bright, healing, fragrant duck egg on top of the crown, which melts slowly and ‘infuses’ into the skull due to the body’s heat. As it melts, it flows through each area of the body, causing blockages to drain downwards. This continues until the ointment reaches the feet, and the blockages are flushed out from the bottom of the feet.

Then the pure ointment accumulates from the feet and goes all the way up to the level of the lower dan tien, in a way where it is like sitting in a warm bath tub from your navel down. The upper body is cool and free of all tension and blockages. Then the meditator sits like this for at least 25 minutes.

This method was so often used by Hakuin that it is now one of the foundational practices of Zen, used to ‘ground’ ascension symptoms and any kind of energetic congestion in the upper region of the body. It also builds the lower dan tien, revitalising it and allowing awakening (dual purpose). Many rinzai zen masters (roshis) have talked about this method.

I was wondering if Sapien would ever take a request like this to automate such a process, because it is such a powerful method which can immediately release all ascension symptoms, clear the body of all illnesses, allow longevity (like the 300yo hermit) and serve as a basis to awakening :open_mouth:

Kind regards to you all…


Thanks @ryantraveling
interesting concept
I shall definitely consider it


Interesting! Kashmir Shaivism teaches the exact same meditation recorded in texts from the period 975–1025 CE. You intone a mantra 108 times and visualize the mantra beaming with an immortal elixir that drips down from the Crown, in a similar way clearing all illnesses, not only of the body but also the spirit. There are some very similar meditations in Daoism as well from our Maoshan school of sorcery. Historically, this Zen sect was not Buddhist (its martial origins are commonly acknowledged) as its founder traveled to China where he probably picked this up from the Daoists! Interesting nevertheless!


Thank you! This would be really powerful, being able to harness a foundational (& profound) practice found in every rinzai zen school. :slight_smile:


It is really quite similar! I recommend the recent book by Meido Moore Roshi (Hidden Zen) to read more about this method. He also talks about the lower dan tien (called tanden) and a breathing technique known as tanden soku where they develop unconscious breathing into the tanden (tanden soku).


tell me more about this
I experimented with the Nanso No Ho a bit.
I feel it can be upgraded a lot and made more effective.


Let me send you a message :slight_smile:


I forgot to mention the body should look crystal clear after the visualisation, and that you can repeat this unlimited times (infinite duck eggs) with no side effects, as long as the vital energy descends from upper to lower. The theory is that it causes the vital energy to fill the area between the tanden to the feet.

There is a concise method taught too, where you inhale into the tanden, then visualise drawing energy currents of the body down from the crown to the “hara” (abdomen), opening the gaze peripherally + softening the entire upper body. Then visualising with the outbreath that the currents radiate throughout the body, with emphasis on through the legs to the soles of the feet, softening/relaxing it and warm like described in Nanso No Ho. The inhalation is also taught to have a silent “A” sound like being surprised (causing the tanden to push outwards), and a silent “Un” sound when exhaling (A-Un breath).

That’s pretty much all I know for now, probably will need to read up more haha.


Sounds similar to Taoist Outer and Inner Dissolving.

The concept in Outer Dissolving that you’re scanning for blockages (pain, tightness, stagnation) in your physical and energetic bodies.

As you encounter something, it becomes a game of changing states and letting go: ice to water, water to gas.

Ice = blocked energy
Water = releasing tension
Gas = expelling from the body

Inner Dissolving tackles the physical, energetic, emotional, mental, psychic, karma, essence.

The real magic happens when you start getting into the infinite space “inside” you.

This guy is a savant when it comes to this stuff…

Clearly there’s a golden thread connecting these brothers from other mothers that there’s extreme value in doing them, whichever variation you’re drawn to.


what suggestions are there, and previous uses/structures etc.
the tests or experiences written.
(I am really asking btw)