Need help finding healing (Digestive Issues)

What fields would best used for my digestive issues? I have been having terrible stomach pains, constipation, urinary retention, and it’s incredibly painful. Is there any digestive targeted fields, or a combo I could use to help my pain subside? Also have a hiatal hernia


Any ideas? Having consistent pain fucking blows lol, feeling it everyday


Hi @Feels, welcome to the forum!

I’m sorry that you’re in a lot of pain.

Here are some Sapien fields which might be of help:

Edit: Perhaps choose only a few most suited to your situation from this list of options.

As some here have created stacks containing too many fields for their level of energy development:

The list below contains different possible options one can choose from and is not meant to be listened to as a stack.
It is generally better to choose only a few fields most suited to one’s situation or the fields one feels help the most.
(This is a helpful general approach, particularly if one is feeling fatigue or experiencing significant energy or health issues.)

Edit: Added:

Also added:

Nervous system and brain-related audios. (rewiring the central nervous system may help reprogram the enteric nervous system in the digestive system as they’re closely connected)

Let us know how you go. I hope some of these fields can be of help.


Wow, thanks that’s a great list, thanks a lot dude. It sucks everyday to have this pain. I hope Sapien makes a digestion field.


You’re welcome, glad to be of help.

I’m very sorry to hear that you’re in a lot of pain daily and hope some of these fields help you.

I think Sapien hasn’t created a single digestion field yet as digestive issues can be rather complex, but the Irritable bowel syndrome field on Patreon may have been aimed at attempting to resolve digestive issues for many people.


A holisitic field to address digestive issues would be great. I requested one sometime ago as well.


The newly released field The Schuman Resonance can help with healing and reducing pain as well. :slightly_smiling_face:

Automated Grounding might also help with healing and reduce pain and digestive issues.


Thank you. I will check those out. And thank you all for trying to help, I appreciate it.

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I would love a holistic digestion and/or healing audio as well.


I’d also like to add the full body detox to the list of possible audios. The liver and intestines, in particular, are very important in food digestion.


Great suggestion @TheElixir! I’ve updated the first post with a few more possible audios.

I agree, a holistic digestion and/or healing audio would be great and of help to many people. :smile:

(My apologies @Feels @TheElixir, I’ve run out of :heart:s for the day to like your posts back for the moment.)


Thanks a lot everybody. I was going to PM @El_Capitan_Nemo but I didnt want to bother him. He gets so many people asking for requests lol. unless you guys think it’s a good idea to PM him.

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No worries. :slightly_smiling_face:

Dream is often very busy but I’m sure a digestive healing field is on his mind. It’s been requested so often, and affects so many people profoundly, that he would already have become very aware of digestive issues over the past years. He is so kind that I think he would make a holistic field for digestive issues if he could.

So apart from fields like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (which targets H. pylori and can be of help with many digestive issues), Enhanced Cellular Nutrition and Advanced Healing (general whole body healing), which aim in that direction, a holistic digestive cure-all field is most likely something he simply hasn’t figured out how to make yet.

Dream is always learning so hopefully he will find a way to create a field in future.

(Edit: Added a few more fields related to the enteric nervous system to the original post.)


Thanks a lot for all the fields, I really appreciate it. And yes I’ve seen a lot of people requesting it lol so I dont think me PMing him is useful. He works hard as fuck and puts out so much. He should take a vacation to recharge his energy lol


No worries, glad to be of help. He does work exceptionally hard and must have some great energy practices to be able to sustain all of it. He is really an inspiration.


Havent this been made ?