I don’t get it y use the field to single our who dont fit you?but the field find you persons similar to you in a mile or 2.thats the calling description said.the enchaled matchmaker had also added bonus the “attract love” and some other stuff
“”""This item is imbued to draw those who have with similar relationship interests.You may find good friends of similar mind or you may draw that special person who is compatible. Having similar goals, belief systems and desires.Also added is the attract love from sapien medicine more glamour and some confidence and socializing enhancement
Desire: This psychically generated signal literally causes those near you to want to be with you. You will seem friendly, kind, sexy or whatever it is they most desire to see. It is slightly addicting, so be careful! When people have spent more than a few hours in your presence, they will miss this when it is gone.
Does someone had noticed this effect?
yes I did notice that. First my cats then my friends didn’t want me to leave and go home
Lol even the cats
but I guess my cats desired me mostly for the food as they see me as they wanna see me
maybe. Awesome picture theofilos
thank you
Well It’s a question of point of view I guess. My initial intention was to get in better group constellations at work and get rid of the unpleasent people as much as possible. If I want to have less to do with people I don’t resonate with I have to draw the likeminded ones, right? In my work we build up teams for the day. There’s only room for a certain number of people and if matchmaker draw the right kind, the wrong ones have to go into other groups.
Whether people start walking to me from a distance aren’t really applicable for my work situation. That might happen outside work. But that isn’t my main intention.
Amen. This is exactly how most of the tags work.
Ppl expect results 10 mins after wearing them not realizing that if they got so and so tag is because after so many years living on this Earth they couldnt figure how to be/get/feel so and so but they want magic showering them just like that lol
Imagine we are a diamond (i cant care less about diamonds but just for reference purposes) full of mud over us, layers and layers of mud covering the diamond collected over the years…
We get a tag and what does it do? It starts (ANY TAG) to scratch away each layer of mud until it gets to that diamond, until that diamond is reflecting beautifully exuding glamour and power without even doing anything, but for the tag to get the job done faster and easier you kinda have to help scratch that mud as well 💁 simple as that. Why some tags work faster for some, sometimes right away and not for others? Because the first set of people have been consistently working on getting rid of that mud and we all know it doesnt happen over night with the blink of an eye.
Patience grasshopper patience… and i think its great that you got the sub one, they will compliment each other perfectly
Or… maybe try to become an Introvert we no business with relationships jk lol
And Amen to that!