Don’t get me wrong, I have had some great opportunities with this tag, but I am also struggling with achieving my goals and would like some advice on how to do so.
I main goal is to get a Masters at a specific school after I graduate.
This semester, my goal was straight As, but I had to Q-dtop 2 of my 4 classes + now I’m trying to make Bs now in the two I have left bc I can no longer do as well as I wanted.
Ik most of it is my fault, but I’m trying my best and would appreciate some advice on how to become more successful next time.
I just want to learn from what wrong and how to use the Glory Tag better.
Anyone else been having issues like mine at first?
How do you use Glory tag?
I have been working hard as well.
I just want some tips on the manifestations
ok. So if the main goal is “to get a Masters at a specific school after I graduate”,
then you need to make allowances that “getting straight As” may or may not actually be needed for that goal…
You, consciously, may think that’s the best way to get into that school or with the timing that you’ve consciously decided is best.
But there’s obviously a bunch of other ways to get into that school that don’t require straight As and some of the routes may actually be easier or more fun in the long term than you can’t consciously plan out.
Just be very clear on your MAIN goal.
Sub-goals that you believe are necessary for that goal may or may not manifest as you believe they should.
Make sense?
Makes sense. Focus on end results only. Thanks!
Glory Tag
Well, even I tried for clearing exams and getting scores, didn’t work out., but glory isn’t for that. When mailed Samuel, he suggested to use for career or business. Have read in old thread, someone using it successfully for attract money.
Should I stop wearing it then? My goal is to to get into this school, but u need grades for it
Glory tag isnt so petty to be used for getting into school, think about your end goal, where you want to end up in life, thats the point of it, getting into school and then what ? Will your life be complete ?
Set a goal with that tag that is better for a future beyond school than getting into some school, think about what you desire in life
I hope this tag will be aviable again tho, you’re lucky to have it
This is what I was told by sammy in mail.
Glory is better suited for business goals. Not exactly exams. But it should help get you the right sort of attention to move forward.
In the case of school, I’d use the Glory tag to set me up for beyond academia whilst I’m in school. So basically while you’re there, you meet everyone you need to in order to have the most success after graduating. You can plan years ahead for what you really want to do. This makes school an afterthought in some ways. School is just what it needs to be…a stepping stone. It’s maneuvering through the entire process to get what you want out of your life.