Hello guys I need help for a friend of mine.He has ptsd after he broken up with his girlfriend and he has changed a lot for the worse since then.He is getting panic attacks out of nowhere and he has anxiety all the time. He is getting worse for one year now and I want to help him as he is seeing a psychologist and he doesn’t see any improvements.Any recommendations?
The official Sapien Medicine Depression stack that @uial recently posted would be the place to start:
And before starting the playlist it might be a good idea to raise the vibrations of his room. Again quoting uial:
You can also play Atmospheric Vibration Raiser for your environment before your playlist. It should help those audios work more effectively.
I’m a psychologist, which means that ethically speaking, I have the obligation to go to the therapist regularly and I’m in this sector since years etc. etc. but I can tell honesty that the Mental Health album from Sapien worths many types of psychotherapy (they certainly don’t exclude each other of course, since they share common principles). I don’t say it only about myself, but also for 2 friends of mine who have anxiety disorders who don’t believe much in therapy stuff but who had visible results from Sapien’s audios (including the older version Depression/Stress/Anxiety Relief).
Emotional release from Dream Seeds is my cherry on the top btw.
- @ConkerRyan‘s excellent suggestions as well
Thank you, so if I got it right,the mental album and the emotional release for dream seeds are good for that kind of disorders? Any recommendations for listening? How many times, which hours on the day etc?
Lion tag for sure. Chakra tag. Audios:
Trauma Release and Healing
Grief Loss Loneliness (energetically programmed audio)
Emotional Release
Gratitude and Abundance (feat. Energetic Alchemy)
Hope and Happiness (Energetically/Morphic Programmed audio)
Pete Walker’s book “CPTSD From Surviving to Thriving”
Richard Grannon’s channel:
You’re very welcome. My 2 friends and myself use those fields mostly at night, before sleep but I don’t think that this matters really. As for the numbers of listening, personally, I don’t exceed twice in a row (and that’s also what I suggested to my friends) but again, that also depends on each person’s needs etc.
By the way, in the thread mentioned by ConkerRyan, some “forumers” (? ) have reminded that a depressed person would probably not have the motivation to listen to a long playlist and I think they’re right, even if many times, 2 people having the same “disorder” will not necessarily express it in the same way.
But for people having anxiety issues, it is often different. I mean I see many of them “motivated” to do something and actually do it, even if they don’t stick with it for a very long time.
Anyway, I was going to suggest the Pranayama field as well (I didn’t see it in the comments above I think) since breathing techniques seem often helpful with anxiety cases.
Thank you for your replies. He is willing to do the routine as he know I was listening to them and we will see as time goes by.
Best wishes to him. I hope that someday he can be “grateful” (!) for this breakup. This is my case because I discovered Sapien Medicine “thanks to” a breakup’s consequences… just like probably some other people.