Need someone to talk to

Anyone who knows well how Morphic Fields work, and how they’re created, and how Sapien creates them, can I please get your Discord? I have some questions and I can’t find the answers anywhere on the Internet.

Hi @xozu!

Welcome Library


You could find answers here on the forum. Use the search function.


I had questions not about morphic fields but about a few other things. I asked telepathically, believing him to be a generous sage. I always got answers to all my questions. I tried this with Labradolite.

I’m unable to find answers for most questions here. It would be much easier if I could speak to someone live, because I’d want to cross-question.

Many questions are related to how these concepts are viewed in Islam, and most Muslims that have asked these questions here don’t have the right understanding of Islam so they misinterpret the information. It would be a great help if someone knowledgeable in this field were to help me.

are you actually saying hi or is this a bot response to newcomers :sob:


Thats a real person haha


I’m actually saying hi. :slight_smile:


I’m a bot — Hi :wave:



hi bot :rofl:


Are Sigils used in the audio themselves, or are they separate products by Sapien? What even are sigils? I don’t understand how a symbol can be used in an audio. If it isn’t used, then how an audio can cause something like “back hair removal”.

I truly believe it is possible to do that with the help of sound, but how will a human find which frequency does what?

I dont know where you get/heard/read that the audios have sigils.

But let me explain in a simple way this:

And ill use an example.

Fax machines.

Is the same aa asking “how a machine can cause another machine far away to receive the information i sent in a paper from the 1st one?”


So the fax machines have a codification just like a smart phone, a codification that allowes the other machine to replicate what is reading when the paper is put in the first machine, the codification could be captured by images that then would have specific codification so when the other machine receives it then can exactly replicate it.

And like that example we have tons.

But how is it sent? Via electrical signals.

That example is more or less to remind you that in this day and time we constantly send / receive information in the distance or using conduits in this case audios

Different things use different ways and mechanisms

But more or less in a wider or smaller scale it reduces to electrical signals, vibrations, energy transmission.

Using that same “vocabulary” an audio is programmed/codified etc with the information to get rid of the hair in the back. In Sapien Medicine’s case his audios/Mandalas are created as Morphic fields, (you can search the forum for that like) :

Deeper Understanding of the Principles of Morphic Fields

So the audio is codified with the command to get rid of the hair, with an energy that would do that.

That energy is imprinted in the sound, the sound is simply the carrier of that energy specifically created to get rid of the hair in the back.

You then play the audio, the sound emits the energy it was made for and your aura which is like having millions of antennas absorbs that energy, and once is absorbed it goes straight to the hair in your back because thats exactly the command the energy was programmed to carry.

So forget about frequencies, this is not it. Not Sapien Medicine, which may be what is confusing for you when you say:

Because its not that, there is not a list of “frequencies” for this or that goal no, its not like the frequency of love or for whatever else, nor this is like Healing codes where you can google “what is the code to lose weight” no.

These are Morphic fields.

Sigils, are just simply another conduit to transmit codified energy to call it some how.


I don’t mean to get out of line here. To me this is screaming “Teach me why this belief I have is right or wrong”, “Why is this correct or incorrect?”. You’re seeking answers and only looking for them through your fundamental core of beliefs.

This isn’t in regards just just your faith but just life in general. If you want to seek answer be open to what might be out there but don’t try to ‘prove’ whatever it is you already belief and seek only information that reinforce those beliefs whatever that might be.

Good luck!

I dont know where you get/heard/read that the audios have sigils.

That’s a relief, so the audios have nothing to do with sigils? Also, there’s A LOT of people that believe Sapien Medicine is bad/evil because they use sigils, but I just couldn’t figure out how a sigil could be used in an audio. The other way around might make sense, but not this.

That first example makes a lot of sense! Also, when was and by who was the technology of Morphic fields developed? And are the messages encoded, verbally, like an affirmation? Probably not, because then the message would have to go to the brain first before going to the back, and it wouldn’t work for everyone due to language barrier.

I feel like this is all related to, what the Abrahamic religions call, the Soul. When you say

your aura which is like having millions of antennas

are you referring to something other than the Soul, if you believe in one? Because I feel like they might be the same thing, what some call our “electromagnetic field”.

Reminds of a quote from JJK, where a character has the ability to manipulate the Soul of people, which leads to their physical body being manipulated. He says: “The shape of the body will always be dependent on the shape of the soul.” and “It is the body that is inside the Soul, not the other way around.”

So, in a nutshell: Morphic fields communicate an energetically coded message to our soul/aura, which commands our body/mind to act upon on the command. Correct?

Now I’m just confused about how we learnt to do this with audio. Considering the fact that digital audio production is a very recent technology, there must’ve been done a lot of research on this. Yet, this is not very popular. If they aren’t coding affirmations, then they must’ve done trial and error to understand how the listener will react to what energy/sound? I haven’t read the link you provided yet, will do that later.

Are there any other ways to influence the Soul as we desire, or is sound the only means through which we can do so? Everything is energy, so perhaps we can achieve these results from, let’s say, energetically coding light?

What are your thoughts on astral projection, SATS (Neville Goddard) and sleep? Muslims believe that our Soul temporarily leaves the body when we sleep. Someone needs to try listening to a morphic field while they are astral projecting.

Are there any books I can read about the concepts of the soul/aura/electromagnetic field?

Is there a difference between energetically programmed audios and morphic fields?

If you’re familiar with it, are Morphic Fields mentioned in the Gateway tapes or by Robert Monroe?

Is influencing the Soul the only way to manifest your desires? Do affirmations/subliminals, after forming a permanent belief in the subconscious mind, influence the Soul? How is the Soul and the subconscious mind related?

I’ve read a really long thread here about this but I still couldn’t come to a conclusion, what are this community’s thoughts on Quadible Integrity? Are they suspicious? I’m only interested in their “Subconscious limits remover” series since I can’t find a good alternative. I can’t even figure out what they make, binaural beats or morphic fields or subliminals. are dreamseeds audios the same as sapien medicine, just different type of topics?

On what type of a person would Morphic fields be more effective/work faster? Will “raising my vibration” help? Will expanding my aura/soul help?

One last question (SORRY), will morphic fields work in a vacuum? Since there’s no air to transfer the vibrations to us, hence producing no sound, will the energy still be able to influence our Soul?

There’s so much more but let’s just keep it at that for now…thanks for your time.

Hi @xoxu! You have asked a lot of questions that can be answered by searching the forum Search results for '' - Sapien Medicine

Also it’s easier for people to help if you separate and number your questions.

Rupert Sheldrake


Just wanted to say, I wrote this right before sleeping. The same night, I astral projected. I can’t believe it. This was the very first time for me.

1 Like

and had the fattest wet dream while on semen retention… AND had a lucid dream, along with various other vivid dreams. Now I shall take a shower and go back to sleep.

I don’t understand how to properly make use of the search function. Let’s say I want to search for conversation about the “Human Programmed” series by Quadible Integrity. All the results seem to be completely unrelated to it. If I go to individual forums and manually search for it (ctrl + G) even still there’s no results.