Negativity Processor

The music in this is :kissing_heart: :ok_hand:t2:


I want to buy this but, when I want to pay it says I need to pay 8.55 extra for VAT purposes. That has never happened before :(. Any suggestions as to avoid payment of that extra fee?


I have bought this field about a week and a half ago I believe. But have only actively looped it and consistently used it about 3 to four times. Two of which was looped in my sleep. I now learned that looping it in sleep causes great thirst and possible dizziness. But besides these two symptoms…the benefits of this field that I got were absolutely shocking. Definitely worth it.

I always wished to buy the PONR field but couldn’t because of its price. So I was extremely happy when I realized I could buy this, hoping to finally cleanse myself of the accumulated negative energies and thought forms. But I never imagined it would be this effective.

I genuinely feel lighter. And not just in the sense of a weight got lifted off my shoulders or I just took a nice shower type of lightness. I feel like I was wearing HEAVY weights all my life and now I’m free of them. Every move every thought every action they all feel so much easier. The negativity in my head is no way near as prominent as before. I can think and articulate myself so much more freely. It’s like my aura is completely cleansed and my body got cleansed of a lot of toxic waste. Complete purification. Even the area I was in felt so much purer and refreshing to be in. I’ve noticed my brothers acting more peacefully in that area as well. I have so much more benefits to say but I don’t wanna type too much.

Though I have to add that I had a seriously weird nightmare when I woke up from that nap while looping it. I’ve had freakish dreams before but never like this. It was like a mash of most of my fears. Can’t help but correlate it to the field. i believe it’s a detox side effect. Woke up feeling primal fear and generally feeling awful. 2 minutes after that when that feeling went away I was on cloud 9 for 3 hours straight. It’s like when Rock Lee dropped his weights. I never felt this free in a long long while. It was amazing. Definitely gonna play this a lot. Not in sleep though. The thirst was unreal.