Negentropic Maxilla Masterwork

Omg thank you loves <3

I was looking all over and couldn’t find it.


While I do agree that some paid audio files don’t have precise description, this field says it all, it is going to give you a Negentropic maxilla, a natural maxilla that will suit your face. What else do you need to know? I’m confused.

You look up what a before/after maxilla looks like. you get the gist.


Hi anon, i have problems with a stuffy nose or bad blocked sinusses. Is there a field that will help with this?


Thanks! i hope it will let me breath freely through my nose through the night.

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Is it possible to fix a asymmetrical palate with this field?

I don’t really care about improving my facial aestehtics, but this one caught my attention.
Apnea runs in our family and I’m also struggling with breathing, bad sleep etc.

Gonna gift it to myself ASAP.


I also recommend a german exercise tool against apnea and for better nose breathing etc.

It’s called faceformer.


What is the difference between this and the auto-mewing on youtube?

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Apologies, @Sann, for missing your first post!
Sky Blue Welcome

This is really exactly what I need. I just wanted to buy but I don’t have a credit card. Researching I found out that PayPal payments are possible but - as far as I unterstand - have to be set up by the creator. Well - I don’t see a PayPal possibility with this Item😓. Does this mean I have no choice to buy it??? 🥹🥹

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Hello @Lightworker1111 , this thread :point_down:

might be of help :slightly_smiling_face:

eta: You’re welcome :white_heart:

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Thank you… I will check :heartbeat::pray:t2:

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@Captain_Nemo will this safely work if we have plates and screws in our maxilla from a previous surgery? I want this so bad to fix my asymmetrical smile but want to make sure it’s safe first.


Has anyone had results of palate expansion? I have a very small and high palate.


Can this fix a severe cross bite? Also my nose skull area is “twisted” or torqued when seen on dental xrays. Can this untwist the bone?

Are you saying the maxilla field makes you breathe deeper during sleep? And possibly also prevents mouth breathing? Sounds pretty useful. I’ve always had a kind of weak undefined jawline so it seems this would help

Oh… I def don’t want my nose bigger haha. N the other hand the bigger and wider jaw might balance that out ?

Did this field improve your sleep? What about facial changes?