Nervous System & More

Just a quick question.
When people meditate, do ye get inner vibrations?
If the answer is yes, is that your energy body or your nervous system? Or both?

The Inner vibrations I get while meditating are very close to the inner vibrations that I have constantly in my body but they are far less debilitating. The meditation ones feels lovely and soothing but the one I have constantly is a bit of a nightmare, but if I take out the emotions side of it, they feel very similar the two types of vibrating sensations.

The reason I ask is because when I eat, the vibrations get much worse and Iā€™m wondering if it could be because of my nervous system, more specifically the Gut Brain Axis and all the nerves involved in that that lead down into the Gut.
My energy is at and all time low and I keep trying all of the fields that help to build up the energy but it doesnā€™t seem to help any bit, so Iā€™m thinking, I need to get a certain part of me fixed first (maybe my nervous system/Gut Brain Axis) before Iā€™ll be able to get the value out of the fields that will then be able to give me the energy I need when listening to them.

Any ideas anyone? Should I make a stack of all the fields that help the nervous system and use them everyday? If I could Iā€™d loop them but Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s advisable.
Because I have The Eternal now maybe I could give the healing fields a break for a while and focus solely on my nervous system and chakras and aura and so on.

Would any kind soul have any bit of input or advice they could give me for this? :slightly_smiling_face:

This might be a bit of help for someone who knows more about homeopathy than i do. When I get the food alergy/intolerance tests done from a person doing homeopathy, everything comes up as I canā€™t eat it, when I get a camera into my stomach it shows that everyrhing is fine besides usually having a bit of Gastritis inflammation. Does homeopathy work off your bodies energy system? Thatā€™s what I kind of get from it anyway but I could be wrong. This is why I feel it could be my nervous system causing my terrible food issues. Could there be any bit of truth in this or am I way off?
Thank you anyone who might have any bit of information :pray:t3:


Hey there @ComfortablyNumb. :slightly_smiling_face: Yes, I notice when I donā€™t get good sleep, the effects to fields are less noticeable and prominent. But your case is different. But maybe you can try working on your cns for a week, and see if it helps first? One of my favorite fields to rebuild the nervous system(while growing new brain cells), is the ā€œNerve Growth Factor.ā€ Itā€™s targeted to the whole nervous system and brain. And when I loop it for a looong time, my mind feels sooo lovely. lol. And then maybe after that, you can build it up with the Soul Restoration audio for your energy issue? What is the list of energy fields have you tried so far? I wish you the best, and hope you fix your problems soon and find your answers. :pray:


I agree with the above recommendation of Soul core restoration.
I would add Mana Circuits, and Restoration from the Long Haul. Maybe Fa jin gong healing
My intuition is telling me you should use Vagus Nerve stimulation and Energy body deep aura cleanse

Iā€™m going to use nerve growth factor later. I recall one of the youtube comments of a women saying that the more she used it, she began feeling like herself more and more.


Hey sorry about the late reply man, Iā€™m in the studio recording a few songs.

Ya I use NGF a good bit, I could try looping it and see how I start to feel. Iā€™ll be going home today so Iā€™ll loop it during the night and see how I feel in the morning.
Iā€™ve started using Soul Core a lot again recently so Iā€™ll keep going with that :slightly_smiling_face:

The fields I use to build up my energy areā€¦

Fa Jin Gong
Mana Circuits
Astral Viber
Pranic Swirls
Super Human Mutant
Cup of Coffee
Bone Shaker
Soul Core Restoration
Brain Dance
Brain Refresher
Aura Energy Body Repair
Parad Energies (This is very strong, I need to use it more when Iā€™m back home)

Thank you man :pray:t3: Itā€™s getting to me a small bit now at the moment, im so drained im just fed up with everything, so hard trying to do anything when youre on empty the whole time. Iā€™m sure the flu like symptoms I have at the moment are detox type symptoms from The Eternal but Iā€™ve been fucked since I got Covid in March with my energy levels, Iā€™m using Restoration From The Long Haul for that but I had Chronic Fatigue before it as well and other health issues so Iā€™m sure everything together is draining every ounce of energy out of me and I canā€™t seem to get it back up and running no matter what I do.


Thanks man, I use the Energy Body Deep Aura Cleanse usually two days a week, I sometimes loop it for a couple of hours if I have spare time. I used to use it every morning but that was before i started to listen to night stacks while sleeping. I use Vagus Nerve also but I could definitely be more dedicated with that one.

Iā€™ll definitely start looping NGF through the night and see what happens. Iā€™m going to lay off the healing fields for a few weeks and see what happens, I could be doing way too much and just fucking myself up as well. Only one way to find out :man_shrugging:t4:
Let me know how you feel from using NGF :ok_hand:t3:


I got you!
Based of what I see here, I would suggest Point of No Return which is a paid field but the stack consisting of free fields works too, and The Force of Life which is also free or A Minor Blueprint of Power

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Ya man, I use PONR everyday at the start of my stack. I have force of life in a different stack, Iā€™ll put it in to this new stack Iā€™m making thanks man :ok_hand:t3:
I donā€™t have MBop unfortunately :pensive:

Have you ever stopped using all fields for a few weeks? Would it help to give my energy body a little break maybe?
It would be much easier said than done to try and stop using them though :joy:


No never :sob: might be a good idea but I donā€™t think I would.
It would leave more room for the NFTs to work better with me, and Iā€™m sure I can have them do most of the things I do with audios lol

I think it would. I would look into the Book of Cards, Dream posted a few publically on Sapien Med instagram but theyā€™re no longer there. I would suggest you activate Energy Body Expansion daily

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Pretty sure that can be a side effect of stress. I would had a couple of shaking while medataiting once it was strange i think it was the stress.

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I have the book of cards, I always seem to forget to use them. I think Iā€™ll print them out so I can carry the Energy Expansion, Aura Purification and Chakra Stimulation on me at all times and set alarms throughout the day to keep activating them. I use Aura Repair everyday and I have Quasi Aura also.

I looped NGF last night while sleeping. I should be a lot more drained today after the studio the last few days but I seem half okā€™ish. Could be working already hopefully :crossed_fingers:t2:Iā€™ll keep going with it :ok_hand:t3:

Iā€™m going to stop all of the healing fields for a week and just let the Eternal work its magic amd Iā€™ll focus more on my nervous system for now to see can I get some bit of energy back. Its an awful feeling struggling to put one foot in front of the other for more than 10 steps :pensive:

My vibrating thing is on the inside, I donā€™t physically shake with it, itā€™s inner vibrations. The best way I can explain it would be if you are using a cango hammer while breaking up concrete and you can feel it vibrating all through you, itā€™s like that feeling but on the inside. Itā€™s a strange one. Iā€™m a strange one :joy:

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12 mins in, very good stuff. thank you.

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Being more connected/grounded?

Youā€™re not strange. You have neurological symptoms most likely caused by the vagus nerve inflammation which in turn can cause all your cranial nerves to inflame as well,causing that vibration you feel and many many weird symptoms that the medical community fails to understand. Please refer to Medical Mediumā€™s Brain Saver book and see if it resonates with you. He covers all of this and more in there plus recipes and protocols to heal. Best of health to youšŸ’›

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