New audios help!

Hi guys i see there are new audios like stenabolic etc

which one of all of those would you say doesn’t cause hair loss lol - i just don’t want that at all, i have recently got a lot of my hair back - so yeah! :smiley:

Please let me know

Many thanks guys!

How you got your hair back?

I’d say stenabolic is pretty safe

Try biotin tablets and use a mixture of pumpkin seed oil and black castor oil. if you can but if not - try using quadibles hair loss audio, ataraxy potions are bloody strong.

Try ordering the oils fairly cheap tbh and listen to the audios. should help ! :smiley:

yeah i looked at the info, looks okay. How many times you think bro?

Stenabolic??? Where is da Audio?

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I think 1-3 times per day

From what I remember reading, hair loss only happened for men who overdid it with SARMs. So, don’t overdo it. :smiley:

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