New Covid Strain - Symptoms and Treatment

This helped with my long-term brain fog on first listen.


That and others (including Sapien’s Long-Haul) may be useful, however, the above is what I was guided to use in all cases with speedy recoveries all around.

An aftercare stack would not be a bad idea.


All of it! The more positive energy you can put out the more it will reverse sickness, whether it is physical/fear/radionically induced, or anything else.


will probe. thx!


What do you mean by this?

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It is orgonite exposed to Tesla’s violet ray and infrared light for a period of time. It is supposed to give it intelligence/consciousness. Mainly the violet ray.

Some sources:




It isn’t my cup of tea though. I’m sharing cause you asked, but I don’t recommend anything related to it.


Curious as to why it’s not your cup of tea?


I feel something new is happening
Or at least it’s only hit my conscious awareness now, but if I don’t use motor zanon daily + orgone daily I begin feeling sick and like my immune system is under attack.

Why now?

And why only certain people?
I wonder if there is something set where something/some types of people are energetically targeted for x amount of time, and then it moves to another band of frequency

My perception is something is up lately.



I was thinking about this the other night.

On the other hand, perhaps the whatever-it-is hasn’t been completely removed from the system – or from society, and/or the body has not completely healed and fixed vulnerabilities, and/or needs more immunity/strengthening?

What’s weird though is Covid or any of its effects have not been an issue for me at all these past 4 years.

I handled the virus fine when I got it, and never had long Covid

Makes me think a new flip has been switched, Personally.

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I was trying to be less judgemental too xD

But well. They make some hard to believe claims.

I’m also pretty ignorant of psychic/energetic stuff.

So I stay with trusted work. If the Captain releases a “bubbled orgonite” field I will use it without hesitation :ok_hand:

And when it comes to covid…I’ve been thinking exactly what you both were talking about.


Complications from viral infections can lead to your tonsils and sinuses getting chronic infections and becoming essentially a host of reinfections. It’s highly recommended to check both even if don’t feel any tonsilitis and rhinitis normally.
Tonsils can be removed and frankly if you pinpoint them as chronically infected, unlikely they are treatable.
Sinuses can be treated but it takes antivirals in complex cases and they can easily host amoxicilin resistant bacteria.


The Violet Ray provides plasma, so bubble tech is actually fairly closely approximated by The Plasmatron.


Noooo… Tonsils are a useful part of your body. I had terrible tonsilitis constantly for the first 33 years of my life. Once I got my energy system changed, I never get such problems now.

Yes, but only if there is a viral infection that can be targeted by antivirals.

Much better to just eat healthy and allow your body to handle these problems itself.


I guess it’s from my perspective, but I also got similar symptoms from any past viral respiratory infections in my life and it was weird for me that people ignored the fact that number of pneumonia cases was rising for years sjnce early 2000s. Like everyone just is ignorant about their own health.
Healthy eating isn’t going to fix chronic viral infection though and people often ignore stuff like Epstein-Barr virus, etc.
I don’t disagree that tonsils serve a function but recovering them after years of chronic infection is rare.

Most likely Throat chakra blockages are impending the flow in these cases.


Strong disagreement here. But by healthy I mean no wheat, no meat, no suffering, and no processed crap (like literally, ZERO artificial flavors/colors, and ZERO GMO crap).

Miracles are a daily for me, and yes, my situation was rare, but since you are here, and I am here, it should be assumed that for those of us here, recovering unhealthy tonsils is just a thing that will and can happen, between healthy eating and the use of fields/Reiki, I assume health, not disease.


I understand your point and agree that being healthy should be a daily reality.

BTW, why no wheat? If I’m not glutene intolerant to even a small extent. I almost stopped eating meat or fish a bit more than a year ago, all the flavors or whole grain bread are a staple in country where I live.


Wheat is a primary cause of inflammation in the gut and brain, as well as useless calories. Among other reasons, but that’s enough.

If you go on the Metatron diet I guarantee you will get a healthier weight, more energy, and a clearer mind.

I have been cooking my vegan gluten-free food for carnivores. So far it has received rave reviews. It can be done.

As I write this, I am preparing to bake a banging vegan gluten-free meatloaf.


are whole grains bad too? or just wheat?

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