New covid variant

Hey guys, as you probably might know there is a new covid variant (B117) and it started in the Uk. It is quickly spreading and its 70% more infectious. Do the covid/virus disruption audios still work well on this mutation? I’m kind of scared tbh
I don’t have it as of now but would like to use the fields as prevention for this new strand
Thank you

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Thank You darling

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You can overdose on vitamin d so dont overdo it


I take 10000 a day, tho some days i simply forget, so it’s a bit less on average


Take vitamin K and magnesium with it.


And vitamin A, as well. (Be careful with Vitamin A doses as well.)

Definitely be careful if taking extra Vitamin A for an extended period in high amounts. I was taking extra vitamin A in 2020 for a few months and noticed this effect that I later read in a report “Vitamin A toxicity has been associated with raised intra- cranial pressure”

I was already taking a multivitamin with a decent amount of Vitamin A plus whatever I received in my diet. Once I stopped taking the extra Vitamin A for a few days I felt the elevated intra- cranial pressure drop.


Yes, all these vitamins (A, D, K) are fat-soluble, meaning that the human body can store (and build up levels of) them. Because of this, you have to be careful because unmonitored supplementation of megadoses can become toxic (more so with A, but also D. K2 seems to be the safest of them all).

My point was that D, A and K2 go hand-in-hand. If you’re going to supplement any of them, you’ll need to make sure you have enough of the others. Otherwise, you’re making expensive urine (if you’re lucky).


Yeah I was taking extra vitamin D as well but not K2.

I’m using K2 and magnesium too, but not vitamin A


Don’t worry so much about A. It’s plentiful in food (especially vegetables and egg yolks). Plus the body can store it. If you’re fortunate enough to have an adequate diet, a good multivitamin is probably all the additional A anyone will need.

K2 is the one that’s hard to come by through diet and is largely unknown. Dr. Weston Price did the pioneering research on it and modern science has taken it from there.


This study shows that Vitamin K, D, and A very effectively bind to a certain part of the SARS‐CoV‐2 spike protein (fatty acid binding site) .
Through this mechanism it inhibits viral entry, because it blocks binding to the endogenous ACE2 enzyme.
At least this is how I’m reading it, correct me if I’m wrong.

Interestingly vitamin K2 was the most effective out of all the substances they screened! Vitamin D and K were also up there.

“Vitamin K2 is the highest ranked compound overall; vitamin A acetate is ranked 17th; vitamin D (calcitriol) 24th; vitamin A 38th and vitamin K1 70th.”

"Furthermore, the implication that, by binding to the spike FA site, fat‐soluble vitamins may stabilize the locked form of the spike and inhibit viral entry suggests that these compounds could also play a more direct role in protecting host cells from viral infection. "


Vitamin A is up there .
Also check out nigella sativa, its another natural treatment and dirt cheap.

(Btw in red circles are the drugs approved for covid treatment…notice anything?)


Yup. The price…


Why Melatonin tho?