New Perspectives

I am curious for a comment because it plays with neurotransmitters

if you let it after let’s say one month for 1x then the neurotransmitters can fall and you can have a week or two of depression

or so I think.

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I was listening to it for awhile but then forgot about it and stopped

Thank you for the reminder I should listen to it!

But nothing bad happened when I stopped


It’s ok Jen your cooking releases oxytocin alone you don’t need it


It doesn’t directly play with neurotransmitters. That’s an effect you’re surmising, which may or may not be happening.

This field does affect the neurons of both the brain and the SG (too lazy to type that out).

I don’t really see this happening from both the description of this field or from my experience, but if you’re really worried about this, the I’d recommend that you don’t stop this field cold turkey. In your case, weaning yourself off this field would avoid your concerns.


sure thing this will do

thing is have you gotten permament benefits?

it rewires the brain you know it should be permament after sometimes, I know it depend from person to person but I am consistent with brain fields and plasma brain of youth for regeneration.

Maybe faster results and after that no more in need for it?

what’s your experience?

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with that I mean permament permament. If it takes lets say a year I am down to do it for 1 year. The point to not need it more and work is done though and the point that you not feel any more changes are different. That’s why I ask for if someone got results that were permament.


I first listened yesterday and today and I already started believing in a beautiful bright future, started looking for jobs that I’d never consider before and I feel soooo much more love for others. I started caring about others much more. This is what I’ve been wanting for a long time ! It’s like my dream coming true :sob: one of the strongest fields ever, if not the strongest ! I’m so grateful that I bought it despite being hesitant :ok_hand::pray:


this is amazing, it says its smart so that means it learns your energy but i was wondering if any of you have tips for how to direct the field? what to say\write\ask?

Welcome back!

Because it’s smart, there is no need to direct it.

If you wanted to direct, just think or say (in your mind or out loud; doesn’t matter) where you want to direct it. It doesn’t have to be complicated. The field is smart. :wink:


thank you :sparkling_heart:


Just leaving this here


It stimulates your neurotransmitters for production.

If you drop the field, likely you will stop feeling the effects. If during the usage of the field you become depressed it might be that you have depleted the necessary precursors which are required for your body to produce said neurotransmitters.

In conclusion, depression from this field, as a result from dropping it would be more on the contrary which stems from the reasoning that now, by your proper diet you can increase your uptake of precursors. Naturally, your body produces neurotransmitters in the brain as a response to your Thoughts, Feelings, or even on a Higher Law your Energetic Field.

I hope this alleviates your concerns!

Eat well, drink water, get fresh air and good sleep and you will be fine! :green_heart:


I am ok I stopped because I wanted to go new year to be consistent with plasma flaunt only, seems to do everything in 1 and then next year to start again with others.


For users of this field, what have you noticed from the brain regeneration effect? It’s listed more as a minor and secondary effect, I was curious if it still had a noticeable impact.

Personally, I just listened and can feel a lot of tingeling, and building of new neurons thorough the brain.

I always support Brain Fields with the necessary nutrients.


I love your profile picture who is the Angel?

I’m listening to Plasma Flaunt, and since today have combined it with this field which is quite effective from my experience.


Thanks man. He is Archangel Saint Michael as always.

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I understand it will be effective yes. But with all the changes I have to slow down a lot to comprehend stuff. Thing is I heard this field for a good 1,5 months before I stopped and in the middle of all my worries and even illnesses I was a happy person and did stuff. Thing is I didn’t stopped it because it doesn’t work good, I stopped because it did a great job and I changed a lot so I got to start in a new baseline as a character before I continue being what the field integrates. A very effective and surely life changing field.


It is a Wise of you to follow your Heart and to be a single mind; focusing on a specific field at a time.

I hope you will find the healing that you are seeking. :sparkles:


thanks man you too Pythagoras. I may not liked you at school but you certainly a wise person man, thanks for the triangle formulas.