New psychic abilities audios

If I using the course Audios ,should I take break from the new psychic audio from gunroad ? If I use that audio overtime,do you guys thinks it could possible unlock telekinesis,read minds,seen ghost or dimensional things very often,attract something with mind etc?

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Use no energy related audio during your first run. After you’re done can.


Mmm thanks ,but I already listening body prime like 4th time in the month in november I will start with energy sensivity and ,December starting with Healer prime etc I just use one audio of the course per month

I wonder why you don’t follow the schedule in the course… is there a reason?

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Do you think the correct use is body prime 3 day 2 day break them energy sensivity 3;day 2 day break next Healer prime 3 day 2 day break ,I mean is like ah cicle ?

As far as I know the first time you listen to the audios you must follow the schedule as said.

After that u dont necessarily have to listen to all on in the same order, you can just focus on one for a while depending how you feel you need it or it could benefit you, just always remember to give your body days of rest between like a bunch 2-3-4 days. Before listening again or another audio.


From what I’m reading you are not describing something cyclical :thinking:
Anyway it is not much what I think but what is specified inside the course, in the Welcome video and even in the transcription
Section 14 - Energy course Text - Introduction

@anon26869922 explained it nicely. From the second run on just experiment while monitoring your reactions.


I just doing each audio for 1 month lol

That’s why I asked


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I took am looking to do but only the three main audios

Body primer,
Healer primer,
And energy sensitivity.

Healer primer gets passed down in your DNA :dna: SO your next generation will have some of the information, the more you use it the more clear that information becomes. Increasing a healthy lifestyle for your kids, grandkids.

Not sure about body primer will need to relisten to the course live stream again.

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