Aura and Energy Body Repair

I use the Etheric Cord Cutter (in conjunction with this field) to deal with cords which no longer serve me. My interpretation of the description of these fields is that this one repairs damage to the aura and energy bodies and that damage can happen in a variety of common ways.

I was taught that cords are not really “damage,” even when some of our cords are no longer serve us and do (like you said) drain us. Because our cords are something we created and allowed (even if we were unaware of it), it’s not so much “damage.” A more intentional practice (e.g., this field or an physical ritual, etc.) is more necessary for cords.

So, I’ve been playing the two fields (this one and Etheric Cord Cutter) back-to-back.


I think this field should not only not be used all day, but only once a day

and considering this message, knowing that it is also very powerful

it would be better, as soon as possible, to listen to it once a week, at the beginning of the stack,
in my opinion


that’s true thanks for your opinion it was illuminating

Don’t worry man there are no other fields for me for now that’s the only one I want to work!
The soul core was way more exhausting with just one listen.


Just used this field again after having not used it for a while. I feel this sensation of energy trailing on me when I move now, the same sensation I lost after I relapsed. I’ve been doing microcosmic orbit twice a day now so this is definitely allowing the field a better medium to repair.


This is my stack daily after I use some other field and stack night after work job

1 Purge all negative energy etc from( spirituality zone ) X1

2 vibration series

3 Soul restoration series

4 Auric and energy body rapair 1 h

And it feels great


Read this Simple, energy stack

If you can afford the $44, you might want to get Booted Bhoots.

Truly mind blowing.


Hello to all in this thread again

Still going all day with the field and it seems no longer having compounded effects.

Does extended usage makes the energetic body stronger or it stops there?

The thing is I already asked it and got the information from Lunamoon but I feel the aura “gains” staying the same.


I wonder how if, perhaps, it might be that you’re not looking where your recent gains actually are? IOW, it might not be that your field has stopped working or stopped compounding but that you haven’t yet learned to notice the gains that you and your field are now accomplishing.


That’s a sure thing I feel more energetic and not down everyday.
The environment I am in is not that aura taxing too so will see.
I will give it one more week to notice any changes and then whenever I feel like my aura has problems

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I only one time looped it through the night and it was a beautiful fantastic experience but after that only twice on my day off which is the rest day and clearing/cleaning boosting day.

It works great you dont need it that much (as you are doing it)


Honestly it really might be that there was such a big difference between before using it and now that you’ve already gotten past the part of being amazed by the difference. It seems that you’ve gotten used to having a strong and healthy aura so there comes a point where differences aren’t seen as much


It’s not that I need the effects but surely want to have a nice aura and not take other people’s energies.

Surely best to be safe and have my sovereignty and of course be strong. I love being strong to be honest and would love a strong aura!


Yes I understand you on that too. It’s really easy for me to forget how I was before one field and after one field.

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I understand im saying is that you dont need that much to get the same effect

And get armor of light that daily keeps your aura protected and shiny :sunglasses:


Knight mindset is good for the protection too?

No, that one builds the mentality that you dont need protection lmao :woman_shrugging:t2: Your inner power breaks through with this one and ppl respects you and that in a way avoids bad energy sent towards you


Yes, because it also has some armor, Dream or Sam wrote so. But it isnt as strong as Armour of Light & Glory which is specifically for it.


Listening to it for the first time since I Had an LSD trip a week ago, feeling the same uncomfortable energetic sensations I had during the trip. quite a lot of repair is going on. didn’t need any repair before the trip :p
thanks for this field !


Seems like it’s no longer available on teespring. @Captain_Nemo @SammyG?