Capital Governance


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But also helps you to administer properly the money you get.

Like millionaire mindset as Philip said puts u in that mind state to bring in the money but then if you dont know what to do with it you would waste it, spend it unnecessarily or put it in wrong investments.

Sharp vision to put that money on the perfect spots to make it grow rapidly


Which is what happens to many when they win the lottery


This field is definitely 24K gold; Downloading the skills of a financial expert and then integrating intuitively into oneself is remarkable.
That would be one of the main skills in the Limitless movie, but I haven’t seen anyone able to get to those levels with just one title / track yet.


That little girls voice and message is so powerful is really influencing me lol :hugs:

Its def the cherry on the top


That’s what I told dream!!!

It’s Princess Elizabeth(now queen)

It was speech she gave during WW2 (most likely to encourage the US to join the war against Germany)

She was around 14, At the time of the speech.


Lol, Eddie was predicting stock performance based on a fictional extrapolation of mass psychology to make huge short term gains.
This is almost the opposite, finding discrepancies between intrinsic value and market price to buy low and wait to sell high, which is slow.
But take it from the man:

I’m not saying that to you specifically as much as everyone else that this is not to make a fortune overnight by short selling stocks. So if someone is thinking he’ll get this field, open a brokerage account, watch the curve and bet on insight… not a good idea.

(Yup, some people’s are already thinking about doing just that already, don’t blame the field)

Mods can move it, it might be off-topic


Yasss like 9 years old. Powerful statement, i takes me back to the childhood times where we used to be dreamers and forward positive and believers :muscle:

@Zen really 14? I thought younger it does sound like younger lol

Either way her words are digging deep in my brain lol


I hope this field does it

Capture d’écran 2021-05-11 à 18.02.03
@Captain_Nemo, Sapien-Coin coming? :grin:


Haha loving these ester eggs :sob:.


thank you Captain. i really needed this, as i`ve struggled with managing money and making good investments all my life.
hope this will help a lot of us in making more money and helping create a better world


Wish I knew about this field before I bought Civ 6 Platinum lol :stuck_out_tongue:
Okey but for serious this is actually a must have.
I was thinking about getting finanical advisor to start doing something serious with my money.
But the thought of paying someone to help me incerase my wealth feels like I would be scamming myself lol.
Of course not if that someone is Sapien Medicine.


Hoping this can help me, as I just bought this and BoL in one day, so clearly I have no willpower! Hahah :crazy_face:


Keep ready big # bag to fill $$$$'S :joy::sweat_smile:


New Moon in Taurus now, by the way, so this is the perfect time to start intentions and take the first steps towards matters of finance, security, and abundance, in a stable and grounded way.


This message was perfect synchronicity for me!


All for this. And this field. The seed is planted :seedling:


this field has my name written all over it


this field has become like a little voice in my head poking me to change habits. Be more organized with my time, my schedules, my coming days plans, i feel urge to sit and make lists, and design plans for almost everything. Like everything.
And i have no chance to put it aside or delay, no, it does not let me wait. It annoys me until i do it.

Any little thing like i give you a silly example:
Yesterday i thought i wanted to switch rooms and change how the furniture in my office (spare room at my place) was, and i said, ok next week day off ill do it. Say what? I had LITERALLY no peace yesterday afternoon until i made all the changes.

And that has not stopped on all my things the past 2.5 days.

I am extremely excited about this field, because i had always in my life planned good then take my sweet time to carry on then it takes longer than desired then i get bored and look else where or something else looks nicer so i forget about the other plans, etc etc and repeat. :expressionless:

This is keeping me on my toes and focused.

And lets face it. Success goes along organization and good planning, but planning carrying it through. This is shaping me to build my empireeeee *insert scary laugh