Capital Governance

I’m definitely looking at how to better manage my time and I been considering making a business plan… have the tab open and I don’t procrastinate as much


Any updates?

Im starting to notice an element of luck with this; lets call it luck since it feels out of nowhere.

But i know is this field.
Because how the events have been unfolding.

So far this is in my opinion in a short resume what it can bring, the order depends on the need or the progress you had before this field, some would notice more of one or all. But in general id say:

Organization: in ALL aspects of your life

Mind sharpens: to discern what chances that are available are really good or not but also to “smell” new opportunities.

Action plan: once you spot the good opportunities (and that is in everything not only or just about money) you rapidly design an action map in your head to reach or win that opportunity (for instance you realize that there might be a chance for a higher position at work, then you see how you can ask for it or compete or be ready if you need to learn or better a skiil, then you quickly remember who to ask for help, where to learn the new skill, when could you practice etc etc)

Once the goal is clear, how, when, where etc you connect the dots or see the different pathways to reach faster or easier like if you were seeing the maze with the perfect route highlighted.

(I am in this phase :point_up_2:t3:) so i shall come back to this in the next days or weeks.

On the way to success with the help of this field and of course others but this one here is like the chisel to get that beautiful final sculpture, the first element i mentioned (organization) is crucial to get you eventually to it, so dont get discouraged if you feel like money is the same etc (i know some are quite desperate for results lol)

But remember being successful is an art and a mastered ability, with a sharp brain, high vibration, commitment, determination and acceptance of ocasional failure while getting there and that takes time effort and consistency.

This field is not a magic wand that would bring you that over night if your life has never had direction and order, clear ideas etc and not much put forward.

However this field can get you there and molde you step by step, clearing, cleaning and realigning, pushing you to be ready for big break throughs.

To get you to a shiny brand new perfect beginning ready to go up… your current life negative or disorganized aspects have to be fixed.

And here is where that element of luck plays its role:

-Deadlines are moved if you need longer time
-Unexpected extra money shows up at perfect time to pay something that was gonna be due
-help is offered exactly when you need it without asking or if you ask you get it
-side gigs or extra short fast things are offered left and right so you can start that course or buy this thing that will help you better your job or business etc.
-people that owe you money come forward
-new chances to pay something faster saving interests
-things get fixed for free
-find sales on things you need
Etc etc etc

My conclusion?

This field doesnt want you owing money at all.
Doesnt want you having credits with high interests.
Doesnt want people owing you money
Doesnt want you lending stuff
Doesnt want you buying things at high price
Doesnt want you spending money for services that can be provided for free through acquaintances
Doesnt want you sitting doing nothing at home while you could be using your extra abilities to earn a little more


Its amazing.

Cant wait to keep sharing updates.

In a matter of 2 weeks, so many things have started moving, i am at the doors of expanding my team, opportunities and grow within the company like 3 times than before. Its there, its taking shape, this Saturday will be the beginning and i cannot believe it haha. :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

Thank you so much my Sensei for this @El_Capitan_Nemo :two_hearts:



I see you have unlocked the hidden attributes,
can only mean you are actually putting in the effort with the field.


Yesss and that little girl voice and message… :muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3: Its just :ok_hand:t3:


Oh i just remembered something very important.

As the days passed within the 2 last weeks and i was realizing the potential taking shaped, i had short here and there bursts of anxiety haha it wasnt bad and it was enjoyable because it was like happy nervousness of the big thing that it was opening in front of me, so fast (no negative thoughts etc because of other fields and tags) but like understanding the big responsibility and big days ahead. Some decisions that could shake ppls comfort zone etc etc
I knew i had to rise and empower myself for the mini storms about to come with the changes, i thought of playing again Knight but i still felt i needed something more and faster. ( i will def play Knight again every some days too)

So i remembered this beauty :relieved: :

I put it as phones background like 3 days ago.
And let me tell you… those teeth came out and gave me that non stop full confidence im going for my thing that is ready kinda vibe :sunglasses: and its what put me forward to take on that new chance.
I look at it for a few minutes every some time.

So throwing it out there in case you feel the same at some point, its a great combo, or from now so youll be even more unstoppable.


sensational, excellent, good!


17 posts were merged into an existing topic: Sharing purchased fields with family members?

Beautiful @anon46520955 and a very detailed description. It gives me hope :pray:


Thank you @anon46520955, for such a wonderfully detailed review. You dissipated all hesitations I had regarding how this field would fit in my life. Your earlier review had already piqued my interest, I’m now completely convinced. This field is now at the top of my wishlist :+1:

The other day, I was thinking about this field and how people would joke about our Captain creating a negentropic wallet to be able to easily buy all the wonders he offers us. I suppose this field is his take on it … and what an incredible one ! :star_struck: Thank you, @El_Capitan_Nemo !


Also for me, trying to apply all his suggestions

Sometimes as a joke I had made this request

let’s say that you have to get there as a mentality, so in addition to this it would need Million Dollar Empire Mindset, so this could be what comes closest to that concept, always a good rod, skill and mentality of the good fisherman


@anon46520955, you have such a wonderful way with words that you are seriously detrimental to my bank account! :laughing:

I was hesitating to purchase this field straight away because I have already invested in many wonderful fields and I’m feeling I’ve just barely scratched the surface with them, but then, there is a reorganisation in my company and I am being forced to leave my beloved client and take on a more boring managerial role.
This does not sit well with me at all so, although I am way out of my comfort zone, I am very keen to explore new avenues.
This field seems absolutely essential in helping me.

Going right at the top of my purchase list for May!

Thank you again guys for all your wonderful reviews! And thank you Captain for providing such help! :pray: :pray: :pray:


I am actually in favor of your bank account :sunglasses:

Go for it :muscle:t3:


You’re absolutely right! My bank account will thank me, and you at the end! :grin:


For all who have heard this, it is useful to listen to it along with Ego Dissolver and Subc. Limits Diss.
in the same stack?


As soon as I got my paycheck, transferred some money into the children’s college funds. I’d like them to focus on school without worrying about loans or debt. I’m not obligated to do so, as their dad is supporting them well enough, but I’ll try to regularly add to the pot as I am able. They can use it for braces or whatever when the time comes.

The rest of the money I blew on Sapienmedicine stuff, some fields and the water chargers.:sweat_smile:

I have a little bit I’m setting aside for retirement.

I’m thankful to have gotten accepted for the full scholarship I mentioned last time, and the course starts next week. I hope it will give me the confidence to pursue making a side hustle out of my hobbies. So I can buy more fields lol.

Effects so far: minimized impulse to shop out of boredom. Always asking myself first if it’s something that deprecates in value over time. There’s a voice that says “Who am I trying to impress?” when wanting to buy unnecessary items. Drawn to investing in things that might be more expensive upfront but will be long-term good value (BIFL = buy it for life), as well as good for the environment.


Yasss you feel this from day one right? :partying_face:

Super happy for you. And i await my invitation :heart_eyes::fire:


Yes! Those are a must in any stack if you dont have SLR tag


Can anyone further explain this part?

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This field :

pushes you
Inspires you
Advices you (yeah like if there was someone advising you)
Shows you different options
New approaches
Clears the path
Put you in the right place at the right moment

All this so you can:

Read more
Learn more
Study/research more
Use your time better
Wake up earlier
Be more organized
Plan better
Spend money consciously
Save up
Dream bigger


If you dont hoop on to the opportunities that show up
If you dont jump aboard
If you dont hook yourself to the momentum that this brings every day
If you acknowledge all the hints and signs but ignore them
If you delay

Then… itll take longer and slower to go big

We are always at choice at the end of the day.