New Release - Enhanced Cholesterol Reduction

This works to speed and enhance the movement of cholesterol solids to the liver to get processed and removed,
Lipoproteins are made of fat and proteins. Cholesterol moves through your body while inside lipoproteins. HDL is known as “good cholesterol” because it transports cholesterol to your liver to be expelled from your body. HDL helps rid your body of excess cholesterol so it’s less likely to end up in your arteries.
(from google) This action is induced and enhanced, but keep in mind both levels will go down, the good and bad.
There is also a simulant, (not stimulant, its not stimulating anything, it is mimicking the action of) of a missense mutation in pcsk9 that increases the amount of and sensitivity of Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptors.
2-3 times but use as needed, but remember healthy levels are always recommended if it gets too low.


it’s always nice to have low levels of cholesterol, that’s for sure. Thanks dream, god bless as always


Thank you Dream for upgrading the patreon audio (“Cholesterol & Plaque Removal”) that I just recently started listening to. Upgraded now to the NEW youtube “Enhanced Cholesterol Reduction”.
I have high levels of bad cholesterol.
Wonderful levels of good cholesterol.
Great ratios. According to the paperwork low risk levels. Wonderful Triglycerides. But the bad cholesterol keeps going up every year (from what I read this is normal as u get older). Also it runs in my family, 2 out of 3 of my siblings have high cholesterol, so did my mother. All are on statins, all watch their diet. Statins have only been mentioned once to me, as a future possibility. I wont take a statin. So, I am glad u released this field. Many thanks!
(If ever I get really pressed about the issue I will ask them to draw blood levels for LDL-P)


So this also repairs LDL receptors?


A must have on my healing list! Thank you so much for this!!! :pray: :pray: :pray:


A good addition would have been to increase various enzymes to speed up downstream conversion of cholesterol into hormones.
That’s actually the healthiest way to have low cholesterol ,since cholesterol itself is not unhealthy!
All our hormones are made of cholesterol .
So if it’s high it likely means you have bad downstream conversion into hormones ,not simply high cholesterol.


YES, EXACTLY! Thank you for saying this.


@Captain_Nemo, I’ve got familial hypercholesterolemia which means that my LDL receptors are really bad at binding to the LDL in my body. Will this work for me?


From the description:

it sounds like it will work for your case.


Does this new version also remove plaque?
I ask because the older one also seems to remove plaque from teeth:


Hello any updates from users of these fields? Old or new versions.
Do u feel it is reverse plaqueing of the arteries which is a challenge :smiley:


Have you tried it yourself? It’s such a helpful fields after those big meals:D pretty efficient if you have any other condition to work on too … the older version had a lot of good reviews already and some prefer it over this one… but this one lets you breathe easier in 3 minutes :slight_smile:


This wont be the usual wall of text testimonial, rather I will try to keep it breaf and clean, for the sake of giving this audio and OG attention they deserve.

I am in early 20s, working out regularly, lean, but still, my diet for the last 3 years has basically created a bunch of Plaque buildup. This has been impacting my quality of life for so long that I am literally scared at how much I was oblivious to it and just going about my day.

Yesterday was the first time that I felt big chest tighteness(too big and dramatic to ignore as usual) as I simply went outside to buy groceries, in under a minute of walking :pensive: and it was a big wakeup call.

After using both new version and OG one, from my experience:

-New one is for keeping the cholesterol levels low and prevent plaque buildup. Def shouldn’t be looped.

-OG one is safer to loop and more geared towards removal of Plaque, which is definitely more crucial for those of us that are way past safe zone, imo.

I checked the thread and saw people asking the difference, so here is what I notice.

After using mostly OG one yesterday, I am noticing today:

  • Heart chakra area expansion, really surreal.

  • Blood vessel pathways I never felt before, around heart, are now opening up in a kind of dramatic manner.

  • Resting heartbeat feels much much more chill and coherent.

  • Some pain in blood vessels, I assume from being constrained for so long and then me bruteforcfully opening them up by looping.

  • Way easier to breathe than before although I already thought my breath capacity is exceptionally good.

-This is a big one. My entire body feels so much more relaxed and light, and sleep was much improved, while I had easier time relaxing before bed. This is a big one, because I would usually attribute insomnia to my stress and nervous system.

  • My RLS syndrome which was attributed as sideffect of other things, also seems to be improving.

  • Fields are now better working on me and I am noticing that legs in particular have increased in energy sensitivity. Possibly me sitting for hours daily combined with elevated cholesterol levels, contributed to faster Plaque buildup in the legs.

My plan:

Use OG one primarily, supplementing with newer version, until I feel Plaque has been cleared mostly, then I will switch to Enhanced Cholesterol Reduction as maintenance.

People, plaque buildup is no joke. I can’t streess enough how much overall and on average I am feeling OG field target so many cardiovascular pathways, then switching to others and vice versa.

If left untreated, places with biggest buildup can cause rupturing of the blood vessel and heart attack.

Down the line I will focus on healing heart as well, just in case it was damaged because it literally wasn’t allowed to pump blood like it should be.

Trippy how in this era of NFTs and Mega fields, OG releases still hold their ground and should not be underestimated.

Thank you for literally saving my life Captain :heart:


I’m curious, and without prying too much, how did you find this out?

Pming u

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Cant message you…

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Ah, ok. That lets me know I’m prying, which I don’t want to do. Thank you for indulging me.and congratulations on the improvement to your health!

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