New Release - Hair Growth Booster

/reads "Sonic hedgehog pathways/

/looks up sonic hedgehog pathways/


Yes we studied this in medical school during embryology. They really did name them sonic hedgehog pathways

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The hair loss prevention one? That was the only hair audio I was using lol

I’m going to be using this on top of the hair loss prevention field to make hair in the new follicles grow faster

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@_OM is it possible to contact you via PM?


That can be arranged, if you chant OM 1008 times!!


In case it is of interest to anyone:

Most likely not.

Probably best to keep the older Hair Growth and Recovery (or possibly Hair Loss Treatment Ver 3.0) in the stack to further counteract hair follicle miniaturisation effects, remove DHT buildup and confer resistance to DHT in the follicles.

From the Hair Growth and Recovery helps with Hair Loss (updated ver2.0) description:

It will place follicles on your scalp in the anagen phase, it also uses HGH, Lin28a and stem cells targeted to the follicles to strengthen, thicken and recover them.

It also will try to remove any DHT buildup in the scalp.

While making them resistant to DHT as well.


added to this is lactate to activate the dormant hair stem cells.

and 5-Azacytidine to the skin cells (to create even more stem cells)

From the Hair Loss Treatment Ver 3.0 description:

It will induce the follicles on your scalp to go into the anagen phase, it also uses HGH, Lin28a and stem cells targeted to the follicles to strengthen, thicken and recover the follicles.
DHT buildup will be removed and reduced.
Stem cell production will also be induced.
Added to this version, blood vessels are dilated to increase blood flow, far light infrared is also targeted to the scalp and finally, Janus kinase (JAK 1, 2, 3 and TYK2 ) are inhibited.

Edit: From a post by @_OM


Activation of the sonic hedgehog path ways


Any idea why people would start shedding with v3…?

I wanna use the v3 because it gives good benefits a day after, but on day 2 when combined with stem cells to scalp theres shedding.

I’d rather lose an arm than my hair.


This new field would make the shedding phase faster though lol

This is an explaination related to conventional 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, probably this happens with V3 too

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Just get on minoxidil and finasteride bro. You’ll at least stop losing your hair.

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but that has a lot of side effects, of course, many do use but one has to decide if it’s worth it.


@Samurai I’ve used it for a few months and have faced none of the side effects. The only thing I experienced was excess hair shedding in the earlier stages which is natural.

Also if you use finasteride 3 times a week (instead of daily like what most other doctors say), you will drastically reduce the chances of seeing any of these side effects. This 3 times a week schedule was proposed by one of the doctors that actually worked on finasteride and he has been prescribing it for 30 years to his patients and it has worked well in most of them.

Watch this video and check out their whole channel. They debunk a lot of the hysteria surrounding these drugs. Plus at low doses (1mg), the chances of you facing side effects are very low. And even if you start noticing them, you can stop the medication immediately and you will stop seeing those side effects.


Can this field increase hairfall as i experienced it🤔… My hair is fine really fine after this and saw some shedding as well

I dont think this field can cause shedding.
Can be caused by season change


I looked up that name to see if it was taken and some bastards stole our idea! :rage:


Albedran @Bronyraur

It’s Aldebaran :joy:
Those bastards failed tremendously @GoddessesAndGod :joy:

We should imbue a field on the cover btw :smiley:


This is just… :rofl::rofl::rofl: but I knew that you would solve the problem! Now, does the book contain your legendary mantras?

I love how we look! :joy: Sooo great job you did!

Yes, with Honor and Glory v2, this one would suit @Samurai‘s red armor :laughing:


Because somebody addressed the problem that you cant wear the tshirt 24/7, well yes you can but you get what I mean

so, is only the icon programmed or the whole thing ?
If only the icon then it would be better to cut it out and just keep it or sew it on something you always keep by yourself

but that is only if you programmed the icon and not the whole Tshirt

I love how I am a just a concept lmao :joy: