Kubera's Blessing

Received another $140 for a job I completed two months ago.

edit: Venmo gave me $10 for logging onto its app as well. not what many would think of as a “fortune”, but USD$10 is worth a lot in some other currencies, so I am still grateful to get free moneh :money_mouth_face:


Does this audio work if I share with my close friends or family?

Close friends? No.

Immediate family only.


I wasn’t sure where to post this but after listening to Kubera’s Homa and Boon followed by Navagraha Homam a little while ago, I came to the realization that I need to do better for myself in all aspects. I’m feeling that Kubera is aligning me with the correct mindset to make way for wealth and success. I also believe that the planets may have been affecting me lately too.

Just to add, I haven’t smoked weed in a few days which has left my mind restless and needing to fill time. I plan on minimizing my use of it. An overindulgence of dopamine leaves you complacent, with a false sense of reality. I’ve only taken one real break in the past few years whilst being in a workforce development program and interning. During that time I changed my life, I learned so much and felt like the world was in my hands.
I haven’t had that hungry, go-getter, take on the world mentality in a long time. This pandemic doesn’t help any but that’s just another excuse. So many people took this time to get ahead of the game while others are waiting for “things to go back to normal”.

I was just watching the youtubers IceColdJT and Hamza. Seeing Hamza, someone two years older than me, practically living his dream life, made me wake tf up. When I first looked at his page I was thinking I didn’t want to follow him because it would remind me of just how far off I am from him. That must’ve been my ego. Then I realized, let me follow this guy and allow it to be inspiration/accountability to rise to his level.

Feeling envious of someone else’s success is due to your own insecurities, of failure, not rising to your full potential, and knowing that you could be doing so much more with yourself. They are a reminder of hard work, dedication, discipline, and honesty with yourself. I’m competitive, and seeing others doing well fires me up to work on myself.

Shoutout to @Zen and @GoddessesAndGod, who are my rivals in my head :joy: I say that lovingly, like I said I’m a competitor, y’all are close in age to me. Maybe I’m not expressing myself correctly lol. I see aspects in both of you I admire and would like to attain for myself. Not to say there aren’t other members I admire and that inspire me.

You MUST value your time, and plan how it will be used effectively and productively. I waste so much time and have no plan. Just been going with the flow, thinking success is going to land at my feet since I’m retaining and listening to fields lol. Action MUST be taken. “Seize your moment” is a quote I like from the movie Coco lol

I just got this journal I bought months ago out that I was planning to use for LoA scripting and manifestation but decided to make it my personal journal. We often forget how we feel/felt, especially in these moments of realization and motivation for improvement and the future.
Journaling allows you to see what your past self was thinking and feeling and the progression of these things changing. Failing to recognize destructive habits, thought forms, and people will have you repeating the same cycles over and over.

I do apologize for the long read, having a mechanical keyboard with clicky keys makes me want to type :joy:
I hope it was worth your time! Thank you!

This whole forum and community is a vast pool of knowledge, with gurus from all walks of life. The wisdom is here waiting for you to tap into it, and apply it to your human experience. The same can be said for the world and the internet in general. Maybe one day Dream can make a field to tap in/download the consciousness and knowledge of the forum :sweat_smile: :star_struck:


Yes, similar feelings and experience. Over the last 40 days, my mindset has shifted into a new direction.


Putting this here as well :slight_smile:


How is Kubera doing? Anyone using him anymore?


Literally bought this one to have more money to buy all Captain fields :joy:


But any result ? :eyes::face_with_monocle:

Wasn’t there a whole group who reported their experiences?

Ah, yes, here it is: 30 Day Kubera Challenge - Manifesting Wealth together

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It was a 30-day ritual, so all the results were already posted.


I am considering between this field and the Wealth Mantra Meditation. Which one is better? I see in the description that the Wealth Mantra Meditation also covers Kubera.

I am currently using the Financial Protector and 9 Financial Points.

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They do different things. One’s only “better” in the way it aligns with your goals and Intentions for your field and you haven’t yet told us that.

The Kubera fields petitions Kubera specifically and directly. WMM is a collection of mantras that prepare you for the wealth you’re bringing into (in all ways) your life.


Thank you for your advice. I think I am aiming for unexpected wealth, and partly because after listening to Shatachandi Yagna I felt her nagging to add Kubera’s blessing.

During the last few years, I have had many small issues in my life and I often ran around to find solutions to no avail. After using the Astrologically Inclined NFT, problems still happen but I find the solution much faster. And now I have a wish to remove these problems from even appearing in my life as much as possible since they take a lot of time, energy, emotion, and effort.

I am collecting Yagna and Homam fields to bless me, remove all blocks on the way, and build up the belief that the world is supporting me, not against me. I have four so far: Maha Ganapati Yagna, Ashta Lakshimi Maha Yagna, Vastu Homam, Shatachandi Yagna. Chandi seems to want me to add Kubera’s blessing to complete my list and she also advised that direct connection is better than mantras. But I’m not sure yet since I’ve spent quite a lot on fields lately and have other fields to cover wealth (as I said above - Financial Protector and 9 Financial Points). I also have no experience with deities and mantras yet since I come from a Christian background.


I recommend Kubera’s blessings. It is a package of two files…homam and boons. If you have time to listen, these files will be useful/effective.


Smiling, because it seems you had your answer all along. :slightly_smiling_face:


will be attempting the 30day challenge of 1x homa 3x boons everyday for 30days and comparing my financial situation on day 1 vs day 30. Been pretty shitty recently and havent really used this field since i bought it months ago so here we go :pray:

Update: 11 days in and things got even shittier🥲 gonna pause this one.


I once had learned a lesson from wishing for unexpected things. The lesson that time was that some things may need to be lost. Destroyed, stolen, sold or traded in order to create space for what we are seeking. That kind of reminds me of Tiamat and other chaos dragons/spirits. Personally, I am not ready to allow chaos to rearrange my life and lack the stillness and focus to see all the prompts & signs which would enable myself to rebuild a much better situation for me.

You may have been experiencing a touch of that. Just remember that not all negatives are purely “bad” for your situation. I am still trying to convince myself to just let go, but sometimes the ego wants to be in control of all the demolition and General contracting. I only share this because I too react simular to such a challenge. This only reminds me that our paths cross through so many others’ journeys and ever crossroad offers a lesson and a chance to share. Enjoy your journey and if you find a way to conquer the situation, I will be eager to learn something new from it!


Same here for me
At the point in time of my previous post here i was absorbed into the general idea of striving for more and more (physical possessions, wealth etc) which was fueled by my surroundings (family, friends) being focused and talking about that all the time. After getting disappointed and even experiencing some losses financially i decided to screw it and just focus on myself. Since then i stopped following things, news, the market etc whatever revolved around financial topics and focused on myself and the things i was personally interested and drawn to.
Definitely more peaceful (mentally and emotionally) now compared to when i was absorbed into the whole idea of chasing for wealth. Learnt to look at my situation more positively and realized that i don’t actually need to desperately chase for more (am fortunate enough to be in a relatively financially comfortable family, albeit not rich enough to retire without working xd). Ultimately all of this is insignificant in the ‘grand scheme’ of things and i can always just retire in the countryside or whatever in a few decades lol. So yea, learnt to let things be more with regards to the trajectory of my life at least, though i still end up pestering captain for some projects of mine from time to time so not fully there yet XD


Kubera homa 11:40 min long audio
Kubera boon 10:33 min long audio.
Multiply by three for three times listening lol.

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