Ojas Refined and Defined

Now that we’ve got the Ojas, how can we utilise it in the best way?

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does working out transmute energy and meditation


Don’t forget about Prana,



Used this three times in a row before going to bed last night, definitely did not sleep right away. I had quite the experience that I won’t really go into detail because it would take me too long to describe. But it felt like my brain got a major upgrade, energy sensitivity also increased further. Was also tripping hard and seeing weird stuff, vision seemed quite distorted. When I did end up sleeping, the sleep was so deep that I slept past my multiple alarms and was super late for work. Thanks to Captain it seems like we’re speedrunning spirituality lol.


Had a chat with a tibetan medicine practitioner and realised “ojas” is translated to tibetan as “mdangs”. Here’s what I found on the web:

Tibetan Medicine also believes that the essence of all our seven bodily constituents namely: food essence, blood, muscles, fats, bone, marrows & semen is called mDangs (the radiance). This mDangs, though resides in the heart, pervades everywhere; in it lies the sRog or prana , life, aura & the essence of health.


Tibetan Medicine is mostly Ayurveda, with some influence from TCM. In fact, I have found it better to study original Ayurveda or TCM rather than Tibetan medicine, and this comes from my good friend Namdrol (who I bicker with all the time, and then reconcile lol), one of the current day experts of not only rDzogchen but also Ayurveda and Tibetan Medicine.

There are two perspectives of mdangs and gdangs - one is where these are concepts borrowed from Ayurveda and its predecessor Samkhya; the other is rDzogchen where these two mean Radiance and Luminescence and have no connection with Ojas.

I had to conserve body fluids only when involved in Karmamudra practices with a consort (which we call the Bhairavi Chakra from the ancient Shaivite practices adopted by Buddhists first in Eastern India and then transported to Tibet after the decline of Buddhism post Islamic invasion) - but once a higher stage is attained, there is no longer dependence of transmutation of energy on loss of bodily fluids as the operation is now on a totally different plane. Hence, a rDzogchen practitioner now calls it the Radiance and Luminescence of the awakened mind rather than bodily energy. Rules are entirely different based on whether one is practicing sexual alchemy, or something else.

In terms of Tantra, at this higher stage, the Ojas is not a function of the individual self anymore, but rather the Ojas of the awakened archetype (deity). Initially, this ojas is mixed - operating between one’s own Ojas and its divine counterpart, but upon stabilization, the ojas of the deity pervades. This is where some higher levels of siddhis (accomplishments, powers) start appearing…


Does this audio replace the ‘transmutation’ part from “Transmutation and MicroCosmic?”


Thanks for sharing that, i guess completion stage practices like tummo/karmamudra need the ojas? I remember one of the tummo teachers saying the male genital shrinks and sheathes itself when tummo is completed and that scared me off tummo :rofl::rofl:

Oh at the higher stage would you say it’s no longer a physical fluid? Because afaik tibetan med tantras say it’s a physical substance.

Also would you liken it to sublimation of jing/chi/shen? Would be interesting to know how they correspond since they sound so similar…


Is there any way to know who is flute player of the new releases of captain. Actually I am a flute learner, so I was looking for these gifted artist.


Yes its a guy from nepal
named Nagendra


Gratitude Captain :pray::pray::pray:


For those looking for this huge talent :heart_eyes:, meet Nagendra Rai

Thanks, Captain for dropping his name.


I’ve learnt so much reading through this thread. Anyone like to drop good book suggestions related to Ojas, Tantra, Gnosticism… Actually anything mentioned in this thread a girl just wants to learn more :sweat_smile:


Anything Samael Aun Weor. The Perfect Matrimony is his first book which was the first to give the secret of sexual alchemy without hiding it behind any allegory or symbolism like the Alchemists did, and pretty much every other religion.


Thanks @Gnosticmedic27 appreciate it.


This is like Hyper State Sleep v10 lol :heart_eyes:

Great for ppl like me that dont sleep but nap through the day and night :sweat_smile::raised_hands:t3:


Jesus. Tummo is scary… Hopefully that doesn’t happen to me through using this audio…


Not exactly like “hyper state sleep” cause I have heard hypersleep before bed and couldn’t sleep later, but with this, listening before bed I can sleep with such a ease

But yes, it allows you to sleep less and feel great after if you meant that


I meant in terms of waking you up and keep you energized


Waking up fulfilled and ready to roll, I will probably use this forever.