New Release: Sacred Sexuality - Rediscover Your True Sexual Identity

Tagging @anon6431808 @Jennyfire @MUSICMUSICMUSIC since I’d love to hear your thoughts.
This took a while


I thought about it and I think these fields would work quite well with Sacred Sexuality:

Just in theory, I haven’t tried all of them. Well, actually all but the innocence-field


That escalated quickly

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After reading the video’s description on youtube, this looks truly innovative and needed. It’s not something I’ve thought of before but I’m glad you did because I believe this could help many.


Thank you
I got the idea after testing and publishing the NoPMO subliminal. I thought “Maybe people would have more success if they cut the rope that binds them to the anchor of their past first”.
My idea generally speaking is to dissect a topic (in this case sexuality) into its core parts and deal with them one by one, or rather sub by sub, instead of putting everything into one subliminal.
With this approach I aim to allow the user maximum flexibility in his choice of audios.

(I am always open for criticism, feedback, wishes and ideas btw. I actually highly encourage you to share any with me)

Edit: I also want to add that in my perception this is a very crucial topic for the future of any society and I really hope that other producers too create audios that help people in this area of life.
Because in my opinion a lot of suffering and damage could be prevented if we’d live in a non-judgemental and loving and forgiving society, which is currently not the case. We are shifting towards such a society over time but right now people need help and they don’t know where to go or who to talk to because they fear being judged. What I want to achieve with the project and this subliminal in particular is to create a space that is free of judgement and full of understanding, so everything can be healed and we don’t even need to know what it is so everyone’s privacy is ensured.
I really hope people who have a broader audience than me pick up on this idea and do something similar.


Hi @SovereignSubliminals congratulations on your new release! You did great! I like your song choice as well as the imagery. Will give it a go and let you know. I think the suggested list of videos you recommended will work hand in hand with your audio. Many people are going to benefit from listening to your audio and that is always a plus in my book. Well done!


Thank you, Jenny. You always have such kind words to share :slight_smile:


Hey this looks great. Thanks for putting the time and effort into making this.:+1:


A word of advice for all of you who want to begin the journey:
Please don’t underestimate the process. Do 1 loop a day. This process is very heavy on your energy body and it is very likely that it will even manifest as physical discomfort, sadness etc.
This is what I am going through right now. It is very tough, so please go easy on yourself


I like it bro, will try to remain consistent with it for a few weeks…


Thank you @SovereignSubliminals, I have been searching for something like this for a while…very much looking forward to seeing how this can help


So, how have your experiences been?
I have used it extensively for a few days, to get the ball rolling, and then I went on vacation where I didn’t use any subliminal, morphic field, hypnosis etc. and just gave my system time to work through and process everything. I feel great and I feel something deep inside of me has healed and I feel more…
at peace, you could say. Hope you also had success with it

I have experienced healing, it’s still integrating :pray:

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Glad to hear that. Would you mind elaborating how the healing process became noticeable to you?
I for example just started to feel very very sad and melancholic for days and I didn’t even make the connection to this subliminal at first.

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vulnerable share time? haha why not. Its mostly around a recent relationship breakdown and connection to a polyamorous person… as a monogamist myself. I felt my boundaries coming back stronger, more sovereignty and honouring my own sexuality, less judgmental of her choices where I have been really rigid, zero desire to watch porn… sex is starting to feel incredibly sacred, like I don’t want to share it with anyone at all unless its the real deal.


Wow… this is so beautiful to read : )
Your experiences contain almost every single point I wanted to realize with this subliminal.
Thank you very very much for sharing this inspiring testimonial :pray:
Would you allow me to share this with others aswell?


This is especially meaningful for me, since I started to doubt my work lately and I thought my subliminals were all placebo… Glad this isn’t the case haha


Of course you can share. I’m on a healing path in these areas anyway, but I can honestly say that listening has created a shift. I really believe wounding around sexuality and sexual activity is some of the most limiting and deep stuff we carry through life, so sadness… even deep sadness and despair is part of what this kind of reprogramming will evoke. Its especially potent when retaining I feel, im on a pretty decent streak.


Why you doubting your work man?


I just came back from a vacation, which was more like a journey full of insights for me (I am writing about this in more detail on my channel). When I was there, I doubted everything. I doubted manifesting, I doubted my capability to reach my goals, I doubted my goals and I doubted my products.
I just thought “This is too good to be true. Get real.”
But this was also part of the journey and has been resolved now. I am just glad to see that my work is actually doing what it is supposed to do and that I can help people with it, so I always love to read people’s testimonials and experiences.

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