New Release - Spiritual Growth States of Being

Can one be spiritual and primal at same time?


Absolutely. Even the most ā€œprimalā€ of humans still has a spiritual body, whether theyā€™re accessing it or aware of it, or not.


My question is that if one aims to become as primal as possible and he choses to listen to this audio, will that get in the way of his ā€œprimalnessā€? If that makes sense

They dont clash with others and really everyone can listen to this lol


This guy is literally grapes fam. Let him be, he will age like a fine wine.


What would you consider to be as primal as possible?

Because i think one can be an embodiment of (healthy) primal while being spiritual

Iā€™m sure many people have different definitions of what it is to be primal

Try rocking Thors mjolnir mandala while listening to spiritual fields


Do i just print the mandala and carry it around?

Yes sir, you can also stare at it from time to time for deeper integration.

One thing ive noticed with thor, is that if you feel mad/easily agitated, perhaps it just means you canā€™t handle the power/strength he lends you. Which is an opportunity for spiritual growth in itself.

I noticed when his NFT came out, i was easily agitated, but i quickly realized it was not because of Thor, but because of me. These things existed with in me and these things couldnā€™t handle his power, i worked through it and these tendencies dissipated with time. In the face of power one must be responsible.


this field is like a spiritual teacher for me, every time i play it guides me and create events and synchronicities. also it has a very fast solid affect , if i play it morning i see results evening or the other day. some times i meet a new person or get a new advice which may change my direction toward spirtual growth or attract my attention to new pratice or get rid of some of bad habbits.

Also sometimes i t feel like it guides me which field should i focus on in a period of time

i highly recommend using this one at least one a week for one hour.


A true blessing. Verily, without doubt.


Whats the course about

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I was desperate because I found out about some negative situations that are happening in my environment, to loved ones and I couldnā€™t stop thinking very negatively, pessimistic thoughts that generated very dark feelings, hopelessness and fear. I am an extremely empathetic person and also lately I have been more sensitive and melancholic than normal.
I started listening to Emotional Release, The Internal Alchemical Crucible and Positive Power Waves but these didnā€™t help me.
It occurred to me to ask my pendulum which field could help me the most to dissolve that bitterness and it told me this one.
I would never have associated it, in fact I had never heard it, I just had it downloaded. I dont know why but itā€™s Incredible the change of state it took me to.
In a short time it dissolved all the negativity, transforming it into hope. It magically changed my focus to a positive one.
I share this because it could be the same as it is for me a powerful underrated tool for all those who are going through difficult times.


This release has gotten me through very difficult times in life, an easy 10/10