New Release - Stroke Prevention and Help

Stroke Prevention and Help

This works on a combination of things to reduce the chances of, and help a little with repairs for both Ischemic strokes and Hemorrhagic strokes.

Interlukin 33 is used (induced) to get your immune system to start clearing out the buildup of amyloid plaque.

Fatty deposits and scar tissue and generally blockages and gently broken up to be removed in arteries and blood vessels.

Finally platelet derived growth factor AB is targeted to damaged arteries and blood vessels to facilitate repairs and regeneration.

(how do we know which parts are damaged? usually the body produces a bit inflammation in the areas are damaged, you can use that as a guide to find problematic areas)

2 - 3 times a day is usually good.


I feel much better after listening to this. I’m 24 years of age and to my knowledge have never had a stroke.

What would cause such an effect?


could be this, cause of allowed blood flow to brain


That is extremely interesting, would never have thought my arteries and blood vessels would be damaged.

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Thanks @Dreamweaver for this gem.

I didn’t know animals could get strokes as well! :astonished:


My Mom was so happy when i told her about that! She is so dedicated to the audios :heart: thank you! @Dreamweaver


The first time when I listened to it I felt all the fat and blockages breaking apart and being released in my brain and nervous system. Thanks DW @Dreamweaver @SammyG you are a life saver. Also could this be helpful for preventing Alzheimer’s or dementia? As it clears out amyloid plaques as well.


Mmm, wouldn’t say it’d be alzheimers or dementia preventer but the experimental alzhemiers treatment should help with that. Our brain audios help with preventing too (Brain Regen, BDNF, Nerve Growth, Amygdala)


So can we expect an Alzheimer’s and dementia help ver 2.0 in the near future? My grandmother has frontal lobe dementia and she is getting worse everyday. @SammyG


Maybe it’s the repair to the blood vessels and increased blood flow to the brain that helped decrease my dehydration headache by a lot.

I thought I was just hungover, so I thought why not sweat out the alcohol? Very bad idea. Also, it’s summer here so I’m sweating much more than usual. I’ve been having a raging headache by the time I realized I am actually dehydrated.

I’ve tried the enhanced alcohol processor, Alzheimer’s treatment, brain regeneration, hyperbaric oxygen, and even the nitric oxide boost. It was with this audio that I felt immediate relief.

Thank you so much, Captain. :pray:t3: :sob:


So this can be used just to maintain healthy cerebral blood flow?

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Yes, It says prevention in the title so it can be used that way.
Amazing audio btw, I feel better instantenously


Why is this one removed on youtube?

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Many videos were removed bcs the account’s been hacked.

But it’s been reuploaded.

But if anything, back-ups are on Odysee