The Experimental Psoriasis Therapy

Thank you Dream. Now I need to know the secret of having so much productivity (more output per hour of work) :laughing: :laughing:


just tried it and definitely works for dermatitis as well. another masterpiece.
grateful for your work Captain!


Oh great, so this must work for eczemas too.

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He must have listened to all his brain audios + he really masters the morphic fields discipline.
A lot of years of experience.


That’s the length of my “afternoon stack” (@Jennyfire expression), aka one of my shortest stacks… :speak_no_evil:

Have listened to this one only once so far (no more space for additional fields :p ) but already sure 1000000% that it does wonders (:pray:t2: Dreamweaver).


This is helping with some eurptions/dematitis on my chest.


the laser is the physical therapy,
I used a different approach

The now somewhat experimental treatments to reduce the symptoms use a concentrated light source,
(laser) to kill the T cells. which results in a gradual reduction with long term remission.
The problem with the treatment is that it may cause damage to other areas around there, leading to
hyperpigmentation, blistering etc.
So this field combination uses a different approach, meant to minimize and reduce all of the problems.
This will work on the localized areas with far red infrared light, The negentropic plasma light,
skin regeneration and an epigenetic reset of the expression of T cell markers in that area.


What I’ve noticed with this field is that my dandruff is almost completely gone, otherwise I would have chronic dandruff and dry skin everywhere on my body.


If you have Lyme I would most def recommend Plasma Light/Plasma Protocol, they do wonders for autoimmune problems and for diseases like Lyme, eventually with consistent listening you will be able to kill it off


Even negentropic Jing!

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I think it’s a good idea to just keep playing it 3x a day, maybe add plasma light before, so plasma light - this - grounding
For a couple of weeks and see.
You have to give it some time.

I don’t think there is anything in the description saying it would only with on the area and not others

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Using this to get rid of dandruff


Could this get rid of age/dark spots/unwanted birthmarks, cleans out pores and heal them as well?

I think a great combo to get rid of itchy skin/dandruff is Body Nerve Healing ( and this Experimental Psoriasis Therapy

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the CBD frequency works great with this one as well. i`ve listened to it for 1-2 hours, and got rid of some red spots on my arms and the itchiness


Thanks for the tip :pray:

Btw, that I think about it, did you try HGF before ?
Could be because of the anti-inflammatory aspects


Yeah, i`ve tried the HGF but not recently, and didn’t get very good results regarding flaky/red skin and itchiness.
I was just looking through all the audios for something new to listen, and CBD caught my attention, I’ve search for its benefits, got to skin, tried it, got good results.

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Can I share the patreon download of this field with a relative of mine who is suffering from psoriasis?

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